TOP Contact Us

Please feel free to ask us questions by phone. Some examples of the kinds of questions we frequently get are shown below.

  • This is my first time to take part in an invitation for research proposals. What should I do?
  • I heard that the project was taken over by AMED, but I don't know where to contact you.
  • Please let me know what kind of systems are available for research subsidies.
  • I would like to receive pamphlets, guidebooks, and other publications that you provide.

Information about invitations for research proposals (explanatory meetings and documents regarding invitations for research proposals)

  • Please see here for information about invitations for research proposals.

Members of the press

Contact Division Name TEL
Inquiries about news coverage and the press Department of Planning and Management +81-3-6870-2245

Requests to give talks, write material, reprint material, or receive pamphlets

Contact Division Name TEL
Requests to give talks Department of Planning and Management +81-3-6870-2245

Inquiries regarding procedures for handling paperwork

Contact Division Name TEL
(1) Regarding questions / advice on procedures for handling paperwork for grant-in-aid / subsidized projects Department of Research Promotion Please see here for information about invitations for research proposals.
Contact Division Name E-mail
(2) Contact point for receiving allegations of Research Misconduct or Misuse of Research Funds Division of Research Integrity kouseisoudan"at" Replace "at" with "@".

Inquiries regarding intellectual property (IP)

Contact Division Name TEL
(1) Regarding the protection and use of IP in the medical field Department of Intellectual Property (Medical IP Desk) Department of Intellectual Property +81-3-6870-2237
(2) Other inqueiries regarding IP Department of Intellectual Property +81-3-6870-2214

Other inquiries

Contact Division Name TEL Email
For other inquiries, or if you are not sure where to direct your inquiry, please contact Division of General Affairs +81-3-6870-2200 jimu-ask"at"
Replace "at" with "@".

Last updated 06/03/24