Programs Project for Medical Device and Healthcare


This project supports R&D of medical devices/systems and healthcare,  which integrated AI/IoT technologies, measurement technologies, robotics technologies etc. in, aiming  improved diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, and the improved QOL of the elderly.

List of our Programs

Programs Overview
Medical Research and Development Programs Focused on Technology Transfers: Development of Advanced Measurement and Analysis Systems (AMED-SENTAN) This program aims to develop measurement and analytical systems to explore and identify techniques/devices/systems that lead to the development of medical devices based on new principles and innovative technologies, as well as targets (markers and symptoms) to create new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.
Acceleration Transformative Research for Medical Innovation This program supports industry-academia collaborative R&D to facilitate the smooth and effective transformation (to the practical use) of academia-based seeds of technological development to the industry (businesses). The scope of this industry-academia joint R&D program ranges from post-basic research to preclinical studies (e.g., Phase 1 studies).
Medical Research and Development Programs Focused on Technology Transfer: Strategic Promotion of Innovative Research and Development (S-Innovation) This program was transferred from JST to AMED in April 2015, and after that AMED has not received any applications to this program. This program has evolved and is integrated into the ACT-M scheme.
Research on Development of New Medical Devices  This program promotes the R&D to create innovative medical devices by developing the fruits of basic research in Japan.
Research Program on Practical Application of Health Technology for Developing and Emerging Countries Developing countries are faced with a set of public health issues that differ from those of Japan, which means their needs for medical devices may also be specific to them. To develop products that cater to their needs and price standards, the program supports pre-market-launch R&D at actual clinical settings in developing countries, including identification of needs and concept formulation through the design approach.
Project on Utilizing High Definition Medical Imaging Data up to 8K quality This project aims to develop a remote surgery support system that enables the smooth transmission of 8K ultra-high definition surgical video data by adopting the 8K endoscopic system. In addition, the usefulness of this support system will be validated during the project.
Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control This research program promotes development of technologies for the prevention and early detection of cancer.
Practical Research Project for Rare / Intractable Diseases  The goal of this project is to promote the elucidation of the causes of intractable diseases.
Practical Research Project for Life-Style related Diseases including Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus This program promotes the entire process of R&D toward prevention of the onset and aggravation of lifestyle-related diseases from basic research to the practical application of research findings in collaboration with other programs.
Support Program on Collaborative Innovation Networks for Medical Device The support program on the Collaborative Innovation Networks for Medical Device is a follow-up program of the Project to Build Foundations to Support and Incentivize Development of Medical Devices Made in Japan. The goal of this project is to increase hubs to foster the talent of companies that develop medical devices. By utilizing the achievements made thus far, this project aims to create attractive hubs with features unique to each medical institution that will stimulate the medical device industry.

List of Terminated Program

Programs Overview
Project to Promote the Development and Standardization of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care This project promotes the development and standardization of robotic devices for nursing care that can support the independent living of elderly people to solve social issues such as the increasing demand for nursing care and the chronic shortage of caregivers with robotic technology.
*: This is a follow-up project of the Project to Promote the Development and Introduction of Robotic Devices for Nursing Care.

Last updated 10/28/20