Events 09/15/23 The 10th US-Japan Conference on Oncology: Current Topics in Cancer Science and Leadership: A Focus on Immunology, Population Science and Leadership Diversity (Co-hosting with the Embassy of Japan in the USA)

Event Information


The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development is pleased to announce that in the US-Japan Conference in Oncology “Current Topics in Cancer Science and Leadership: A Focus on Immunology, Population Science and Leadership Diversity” will take place on September 15, 2023, via a hybrid, in-person and virtual meeting. This year marks the 10th anniversary that the Embassy and the Agency have been hosting the annual symposium. The conference will consist of presentations and discussions led by internationally recognized experts from the US and Japan.

Workshop Potser1 Please click above image to open the conference poster PDF


The 10th US-Japan Conference on Oncology: Current Topics in Cancer Science and Leadership                      A Focus on Immunology, Population Science and Leadership Diversity

Date & Time

Hybrid, in-person and virtual meeting
09/15/23 Fri 8:30am(Eastern Time)
09/15/23 Fri 9:30pm(Japan Standard Time)

Registration Fee

Admission fee is free (Registration required)

How to Register

Please note that you must resgister in advance to participate in this event.
Please register at the following the link.



The Embassy of Japan in the United States of America
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Washington D.C. office


Division Name Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) Washington D.C. office
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Last updated 08/04/23