Calls for Proposals Early-stage FY 2020 AMED awards 3 joint projects with CIHR on "Advancing Epigenetic Technologies" - The Japan-Canada Joint call for Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)

Change log

19th February, 2021
Announcement from Canadian Institutes of Health Research“ has been added in the “Links” section.


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Key Fields Health and Clinical Data Project, Project for Seeds Development and Research Base
Office of International Collaboration, Division of International Strategy, Department of International Strategy
E-mail: sicorp "at", Replace "at" with "@".
Please contact us, preferably by e-mail using the above contact information.

Adoption Contents

AMED and CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) called for joint project proposals from early-career researchers in Japan and Canada in the "Advancing Epigenetic Technologies" research area and began to accept proposals on June 22nd, 2020. The evaluation committee discussed and identified three highly meritorious projects (See the following table of the awarded projects).

List of Awardees

Project Country Affiliation Principal Investigator
Artificial Intelligence based adaptive and interpretable models for analyzing multi-track epigenomic sequential data Japan Tokyo University Soichiro Yamanaka
Canada University of Manitoba Ahmed Ashraf
Single-cell probing of epigenetic memory in immunity Japan RIKEN Jay Shin
Canada McGill University David Langlais

Characterization of the integrative epigenetic and epitranscriptomic
landscape of acute myeloid leukemias

Japan National Cancer Center Research Institute Akihide Yoshimi
Canada Simon Fraser University Ly Vu

Evaluation Process

Call open 22 June 2020 - 15 September 2020
Evaluation committee 18 November 2020
Number of Proposals 6
Number of proposals reviewed
Number of Awardees 3



Last updated 02/19/21