Calls for Proposals Early-stage FY 2020 Interstellar Initiative (re-opened)
Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities | Grants/Funding Opportunities |
R&D Phase | Basic Study |
Key Fields | Project for Seeds Development and Research Base |
Submission Deadline | 06/23/20 Tue 12:59 JST |
Contact |
Program summary
The Interstellar Initiative ― presented jointly by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and the New York Academy of Sciences ― recognizes the world’s most promising Early Career Investigators and connects them with peers, in related but distinct disciplines, providing a platform for them to develop a solution to a major research question. The aim is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and thereby catalyze discovery.
For details, refer link below.
1st workshop of this program scheduled in September 2020 will convene virtually, instead of convening in New York City. Details of the workshop will be announced on the AMED and NYAS websites.
Applicants accepted into the Interstellar Initiative will participate in a virtual event in mid-September (around Sep 11-13), 2020, and a second two-day workshop will convene in New York City, on February 8–9, 2021. At this time, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development plan to hold the second workshop in the 2020-2021 Interstellar Initiative as scheduled in February 2021. We continue to monitor the spread of the coronavirus and will make updates to the program if necessary with the safety of all participants in mind.
Applications are invited from Early Career Investigators who have backgrounds in four broad categories:
- Clinical Research (e.g., physician scientists and others with translational interests);
- Life Science (e.g., biomedical scientists);
- Physical Science (e.g., physicists, chemists, and mathematicians); and
- Technology (e.g., engineers, computer scientists)
Early Career Investigator applicants must:
- Hold a doctoral degree or equivalent (PhD, DPhil, MD, DDS, DVM, etc.)
- Have obtained their last doctoral degree within the past 10 years (January 2009 or later)
- Have been engaged in active research for 10 years or less since obtaining their doctoral degree or equivalent
- Hold an independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty position at a university, private research institution, academic medical center, or national government laboratory
Note: Exceptions to these requirements may be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the organizers. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact interstellar"AT" (Replace "AT" with @.)
Solicitation Period
How to Apply
Those who belong to institutes located in Japan should apply both through e-Rad and following link. Note that applications must be submitted through both portals, applications submitted only through one portal will not be accepted.
Follow guideline attached to submit application to e-Rad portal.
- e-Rad portal
- e-Rad portal application guideline (Japanese only)
Application Guidelines
Last updated 06/10/20