Calls for Proposals FY 2022 AMED awards 3 joint research projects with the MRC in the area of “Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Disease and Dementia” – FY2022 Japan-UK Joint Grant Call for Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Key Fields Project for Seeds Development and Research Base, Neurological and Psychiatric disorders, Aging and Dementia
Office of International Collaboration, Division of International Strategy, Department of International Strategy
E-mail: sicorp "at" (Replace "at" with "@")

Adoption Contents

The Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the UKRI Medical Research Council (MRC) launched a Japan-UK joint grant call for proposals in the field of " Neuroscience, Neurodegenerative Disease and Dementia ". All proposals were evaluated by the evaluation panels in Japan and UK (appendix. AMED evaluation panel), and AMED and the MRC jointly decided to support the following three joint proposals.

List of Awardees

Project Country Affiliation / Title Principal Investigator
Synaptic Pathology in ALS-FTD
Japan The University of Tokyo / Professor Shigeo Okabe
UK University of Edinburgh / Professor Seth Grant
Multi-analyte prognostic and diagnostic screening in blood and skin for Alzheimerʼs disease Japan Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology / Assistant Professor Kaori Tsukakoshi
UK Swansea University / Senior Lecturer Sanjiv Sharma
Deciphering synaptic dysfunctions of human cognitive disease gene mutations via optical physiological and neurochemical strategies Japan The University of Tokyo / Professor Haruhiko Bito
UK University of Oxford / Professor of Neurophysiology Nigel Emptage


Call open

4 August 2022 – 22 September 2022

Evaluation committee

8, 9 December 2022

Number of Proposals


Number of Awardees



Last updated 01/13/23