Calls for Proposals FY 2023 e-ASIA Joint Research Program (e-ASIA JRP) – Joint Call for “Climate Change and Health Research”


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study, Clinical Study, Clinical Trials
Key Fields Project for Seeds Development and Research Base, Cancer, Infectious disease
Division of Research Programs, Department of International Strategy
E-mail: e-asia "at" (Replace "at" with "@")

Adoption contents

The e-ASIA Joint Research Program (hereinafter referred to as the “e-ASIA JRP”) aims to develop a vibrant and collaborative research community in Science and Technology, to strengthen R&D in ASEAN region, and to contribute solving the region’s common issues such as Health Research, Environment, reduction and management of Disaster Risk, etc.
AMED has been joining to the joint call for proposals in the field of Health Research since 2015.

As a part of the program, the call in the research area of “Climate-related Infectious Diseases” and “Climate-related Cancer” was conducted in 2023. All proposals were evaluated by the expert review panel (appendix), and the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) decided to support following three projects.

List of Awardees

Research Area Project Title Country PI Affiliation Title
Climate-related Infectious Diseases Eliminating S.mekongi - the final push Australia Catherine Gordon The Council of the Queensland Medical Research Institute Senior Research Officer
Lao PDR Somphou Sayasone Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute Head of Department
Cambodia Virak Khieu Ministry of Health, Cambodia Deputy-Director of CNM
Japan SATO Megumi Niigata University Associate Professor
Uncovering the burden of asymptomatic malaria: dissecting immune responses to infection to overcome immunosuppression and improve vaccination strategies Australia Diana Silvia Hansen Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute Professor
Indonesia Indra Wibowo Bandung Institute of Technology Assistant Professor
Japan TSUBOI Takafumi Ehime University Distinguished  Professor
USA Stephen Hoffman Sanaria inc. Chief Scientific and Executive Officer
Nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections associated with climate change and major weather events: enhancing surveillance and mitigation strategies Australia Rachel Thomson The University of Queensland Professor
USA D Rebecca Prevots National Institutes of Health Chief
Japan MORIMOTO Kozo Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association Principal Research Scientist
Thailand Surakameth Mahasirimongkol Ministry of Public Health Director
Cambodia Sokleaph Cheng Institut Pasteur du Cambodge Deputy head


Application period 13 January – 30 March 2023
Review committee (AMED) 28 July 2023 (Infectious Diseases)
31 July 2023 (Cancer Research)
e-ASIA joint review meeting 6 September 2023
  Climate-related Infectious Diseases Climate-related Cancer
Number of applications 20 1
Number of applications reviewed 16 1
Number of awardees 3 0


Last updated 01/22/24