Programs International Collaborative Research Program: Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS) - Results report (FY2015) -

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Projects are listed in the alphabetical order of Principal Investigator's name.

First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2010 FY2015 Noiri Eisei The University of Tokyo Research and Development of Prevention and Diagnosis for Neglected Tropical Diseases, especially Kala-Azar download
FY2010 FY2016 Oshitani Hitoshi Tohoku University Comprehensive Etiological and Epidemiological Study on Acute Respiratory Infections in Children:Providing Evidence for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Pneumonia in the Philippines download
First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2011 FY2016 Morita Kouichi Nagasaki University Development of Rapid Diagnostics and the Establishment of an Alert System for Outbreaks of Yellow Fever and Rift Valley Fever in Kenya download
FY2011 FY2016 Yamamoto Yoshimasa Osaka University Determine the Outbreak Mechanisms and Development of a Surveillance Model for Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria download
First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2012 FY2017 Takada Ayato Hokkaido University Surveillance of Viral Zoonoses in Africa download
First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2013 FY2018 Inoue Noboru Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine Epidemiological Studies on Animal Protozoan Diseases in Mongolia and Development of Effective Diagnostics Measures Mongolia download
FY2013 FY2018 Kano Shigeyuki National Center for Global Health and Medicine Development of Innovative Research Technique in Genetic Epidemiology of Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases in Lao PDR for Containment of Their Expanding Endemicity download
FY2013 FY2018 Minakawa Noboru Nagasaki University Establishment of an Early-warning System for Infectious Diseases in Southern Africa Incorporating Climate Predictions download
First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2014 FY2019 Hondo Eiichi Nagoya University Ecological Studies on Flying Foxes and Their Involvement in Rabies-related and Other Viral Infectious Diseases download
FY2014 FY2019 Nozaki Tomoyoshi University of Tsukuba Searching Lead Compounds of Anti-malarial and Anti-amebic Agents by Utilizing Diversity of Indonesian Bio-resources download
FY2014 FY2018 Tokunaga Katsushi The University of Tokyo Integrative Application of Human and Pathogen Genomic Information for Tuberculosis Control download
First Year Final Year Principal Investigator Affiliation Project Title Results report
FY2015 FY2020 Kiyono Hiroshi The University of Tokyo Surveillance and Laboratory Support for Emerging Pathogens of Public Health Importance download
FY2015 FY2020 Yasuda Jiro Nagasaki University Identification of Unknown Pathogens and Establishment of On-site Rapid Diagnostic System for Viral Diseases download

Last updated 10/06/17