Calls for Proposals FY 2022 [Announcement] The Public Offering for the 2nd Proposal of Moonshot Research and Development Program

Change log

31 May 2022
Interview schedule is uploaded.
28 April 2022
Proposal Form2 is revised. Please refere to  Project Manager Application Guidelines, Proposal Form.


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Grants/Funding Opportunities
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study, Clinical Study, Clinical Trials, None
Key Fields Moonshot Research and Development Program
Submission Deadline 05/10/22 Tue noon (JST)
Office of Project Management
-Division of Moonshot Research and Development Program
E-mail: moonshot"AT"
※Please specify the title of e-mail with “Inquiry for the 2nd proposal”
※Please replace “AT” with “@” in the e-mail address.
※Your inquiries will be accepted only by e-mail. Please contact the address above.

Public offering content

AMED will open the public offering for the project manager of the 2nd Proposal of Moonshot Research and Development Program in FY2022 as follows.
Concerning the details of the public offering, please confirm the application guideline.

Moonshot Goal R&D funds required
(excluding indirect expenses)
implementation period envisioned
Number of adopted themes envisioned
Moonshot Goal 7:
The research and development on Target 2 (Realization of medical networks accessible for anyone from anywhere in the world)
The upper and lower limit of the budget per a proposal is not determined. Basically Five years 
At the longest to FY2030
Moonshot Goal 7:
The research and development towards novel approach (Example:
Intestinal flora, etc.)
The upper and lower limit of the budget per a proposal is not determined. Basically Five years 
At the longest to FY2030
  • Because the upper and lower limit of the research budget is not determined per a proposal, please estimate necessary research budget. In addition, the supportable fund has the limit shown below. Therefore, please estimate the budget referring to the limit. 
  • Supportable fund(provisional) About 1 billion yen per a proposal/ 5 years (Indirect cost is not included.)AMED may require the change of the research plan including the budget or the structure of research as the additional conditions at adoption of the proposal. So, please keep in mind that the proposed research budget will be changed.     
  • The research and development will continue until FY2030 at the longest, when the result of research evaluation determines extension of the research period over 5 years from the start of research. 

※The public offering is divided into two proposals ,that is,the 2nd proposal and the 3rd proposal, because they have different viewpoints and application guidelines.
※This page contains information about the 2nd proposal.
※For more information about the 3rd proposal, please refer to the separate page (FY 2022 [Announcement] The Public Offering for the 3rd Proposal of Moonshot Research and Development Program).

Program summary

Headquarters for Healthcare Policy determined to promote challenging R&D program called Moonshot (hereinafter referred to as "MS"), based on ideas that are not just extensions of conventional technology to create disruptive innovation in Japan.
Based on the MS R&D program, AMED has established the fund as the research promotion agency that conducts the operations related to the R&D in the field of medical and healthcare and in order to achieve the MS goal determined by Headquarters for Healthcare Policy, AMED promotes challenging R&D program toward the realization of the R&D concepts created by the Cabinet Office (CAO), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare(MHLW) and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

Program Details


According to appendix 2 ” The guideline for operation and evaluation of Moonshot research and development program in healthcare and medical field”, the nationality of PMs does not matter. However, it is a basic requirement to place their research position in Japan after the appointment of PMs.
Please refer to “The application guideline, Section 2 : Requirements for application” regarding the detailed conditions.

Solicitation Period

03/07/22 Mon - 05/10/22 Tue noon (JST)

In case of the delay for application, the documents will not be accepted. So please be careful to meet the deadline.

Interview Schedule

Date: July 20 (Wed.)
   July 21 (Thu.) AM 
Venue:Near the Tokyo Station (Or web meeting if necessary)

  • When the hearing is held, AMED will notify the PM of the research subject by e-mail one week before in advance.
  • We will not notify the PM not applicable of the interview. We will also not make announcement, when the interview is not held. Please wait until the notification of adoption.
  • Please understand that we will not answer whether the PM is applicable to the interview or not.
  • Another evaluation may be conducted depending on the expansion of COVID-19 and so on.

Public invitation briefing

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, AMED will not hold the briefing session for the public offering.

How to Apply

Documents for R&D proposal should be submitted with e-Rad by the deadline.
Concerning the details of application, please refer to “Section 5: methods for preparation and submission of application documents” in  the application guideline.

  • For the application, researchers need to be registered on e-Rad with their organization name before the application. Regarding the registration of research organizations on e-Rad, please refer to e-Rad portal site. In case of the fact that the registration process takes longer time, the registration needs to be completed at least two weeks before the deadline. Once the registration is completed, re-registration is not needed for the application of other projects. If you are registered on e-Rad for other projects, re-registration is not necessary.
  • Only if the representative researchers submit the application to their research organizations on e-Rad, the application is not completed. The researchers should conduct the approval process by their organization.
  • Due to the up-date of e-Rad system, the system is suspended from March 5(Saturday) to March 14(Monday) in 2022.Please refer to e-Rad portal site regarding the detail of corresponding methods in the period of system suspension.


Project Manager Application Guidelines, Proposal Form

[Request for Coorection] In the "Breakdown of R&D Expenses" sections of Form 2,
error in the calculation formula exists in the "Total for FY2022 to FY2027" cells.
Therefore, Fom 2 is revised.
If you submit your application with the old form, we would appreciate if you could correct and submit the form so that the total expenses are for the six years from FY2022 to FY2027.


Last updated 05/31/22