Division of Moonshot Research and Development Program Moonshot Research and Development Program


Key Fields Moonshot Research and Development Program
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study, Clinical Study, Clinical Trials, None
Office of Project Management
Division of Moonshot Research and Development Program
E-mail: moonshot"AT"amed.go.jp , Replace "AT" with "@"

※Please contact us, preferably by e-mail using the above contact information.



"Moonshot Research and Development" is a bold new R&D program from AMED that aims to create disruptive innovation in Japan.
To solve issues facing future society, AMED is driving R&D in ambitious projects that are more than just extensions of conventional technology.

AMED is tackling Moonshot Goal 7 in the health and medical field.

In order to achieve Moonshot Goal 7 as set forth by the Headquarters for Healthcare Policy, AMED will conduct research and development (R&D) in accordance with the R&D Concept established by the Cabinet Office, MEXT, MHLW and METI.

「Realization of sustainable care systems to overcome major diseases by 2040, for enjoying one’s life with relief and release from health concerns until 100 years old」

【moonshot target 7: 3 targets】

【Target:1】Realization of a society where everyone can prevent diseases spontaneously in daily life

【Target:2】Realization of medical networks accessible for anyone from anywhere in the world

【Target:3】Realization of drastic improvement of QoL without feeling load (realization of an inclusive society without health disparity)

Moonshot Goal 7 : R&D Activities

Introducing activities in Moonshot Goal 7, including symposiums, lectures, and videos of research results. 

Click on the image to access the R&D Activities page.

Research and Development Program & management (Portfolio) 

NEW‼ Updated on January 21

This document is an overview of the "portfolio" that serves as the management plan for Moonshot Goal 7 in an easily understandable manner.
It includes the overall structure of Goal 7, individual projects, and the story of realization by 2040,
Dr. Hirano, Moonshot Program Director, will answer questions and introduce the portfolio.

Click on the image to view the PDF file.

The Moonshot Goal engaged by AMED

Toward the attainment of the Moonshot Goal 7 finalized by the Headquarters for Healthcare Policy, research and development will be implemented by combining based on the basic approach to the R&D program specified by the Cabinet Office, MEXT, MHLW and METI.

The summery of "Moonshot goal7." For details, see
The image of "Moonshot Goal 7"

Management and Evaluation Framework

This figure shows the overall promotion framework of Moonshot R&D.
The Moonshot Program Director (PD) and Moonshot Sub-PD’s will provide necessary guidance and advice to the research projects conducted by the PMs in order to achieve the Moonshot goals set by the Headquarters for Healthcare Policy.

Moonshot R&D promotion framework. Please see above for the details.

Moonshot Program Director

The photo of HIRANO-san

HIRANO Toshio (Professor Emeritus, Osaka University, President, Osaka International Cancer Treatment Foundation)

Specializes in immunology and life science; PhD.
Discovered Interleukin 6 and opened new ways to treat autoimmune diseases.
Draws on deep and wide-ranging knowledge and experience, from work promoting cutting edge multidisciplinary research to basic medical research to medical applications; served as head of Osaka University and of QST Recognized by numerous prizes, including the Crafoord Prize and the Japan Prize Appointed in 2016 as the first President of the National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology

R&D Projects

Each PM's project website provides up-to-date information.
Each project title links to the corresponding project's website.

Adopted in FY2020 (1st Time)
PM Name Affiliation Position Project Name Project Overview Latest Symposium Video
Tohoku University Professor Mitochondrial Medicine  Document Video
KURITA Masakazu
(Ended in November 2023)
The University of Tokyo Lecturer Development of method for complex tissue regeneration via tissue embryonization Document Video
NAKANISHI Makoto The University of Tokyo Professor Extending healthy lifespan by eliminating senescent cells In Japanese only Document Video
MURAKAMI Masaaki Hokkaido University Professor Regulating microinflammation: Preventing disease through quantum and neuromodulation technologies In Japanese only Document Video
YANAGISAWA Masashi University of Tsukuba Professor Deciphering and Engineering Sleep and Hibernation -- The Future of Medical Care Document Video
Adopted in FY2022 (2nd Time)
PM Name Affiliation Position Project Name Project Overview Latest Symposium Video
NANGAKU Masaomi The University of Tokyo Professor Bring hospital into home toward controlling inflammation at home Document -
Keio University Professor Understanding and harnessing the role of the gut microbiome in healthy longevity Document -
Adopted in FY2022 (3rd Time)
PM Name Affiliation Position Project Name Project Overview Latest Symposium Video
KOSEKI Haruhiko RIKEN Deputy Director A world of zero cancer risk created by rejuvenation using cell lineage conversion Document -
NISHIKAWA Hiroyoshi Nagoya University Professor Actualization of a cancer-free society through regulation of chronic inflammation Document -
Adopted in FY2024 (4th Time)
PM Name Affiliation Position Project Name Project Overview Latest Symposium Video
Kyoto University Professor Study of reservoir functions that support resilience* of the brain and its enhancement to overcome dementia in preparation -
The University of Tokyo Professor Life course approaches through sleep to protect, nurture, and activate the brain in preparation -
HIGUCHI Makoto National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology Center Director Early detection and modulation of the dementia pathogenesis based on the concept evolving from glial pathology to senoinflammation in preparation -

PM:Project Manager

(Reference) Other Moonshot goals and responsible Agency for R&D

Moonshot Goal Funding Agency's
【Moonshot Goal 1】
  Realization of a society in which human beings can be free from limitations of body, brain, space, and time by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 2】
 Realization of ultra-early disease prediction and intervention by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 3】
 Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 4】
 Realization of sustainable resource circulation to recover the global environment by 2050
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
【Moonshot Goal 5】
 Creation of the industry that enables sustainable global food supply by exploiting unused biological resources by 2050.
Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution (BRAIN)
【Moonshot Goal 6】
 Realization of a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer that will revolutionize economy, industry, and security by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 8】
 Realization of a society safe from the threat of extreme winds and rains by controlling and modifying the weather by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 9】
 Realization of a mentally healthy and dynamic society by increasing peace of mind and vitality by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)
【Moonshot Goal 10】
 Realization of a dynamic society in harmony with the global environment and free from resource constraints, through diverse applications of fusion energy, by 2050.
Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)

Last updated 01/21/25