Calls for Proposals FY 2021 A New Awarded Project for “International Collaborative Research Program for Tackling the NTDs (Neglected Tropical Diseases) Challenges in African Countries”


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Key Fields Project for Seeds Development and Research Base, Infectious disease
Office of International Collaboration, Division of International Strategy, Department of International Strategy, AMED
E-mail: africa-ntds"at" (Replace "at" with @)

Adoption Contents

Based on scrupulous review of proposals by the Project Evaluation Panel, AMED decided to support the following as a new project for "International Collaborative Research Program to Address the Challenge of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) in African Countries".

Project Title Principal Investigator Affiliation Position
Research on the diagnostics of early or latent eumycetoma: Search for new biomarkers, POC diagnostics, and development of a clinical epidemiology platform KANEKO Satoshi Nagasaki University Professor

Evaluation Process

Solicitation Period 8 June – 20 July, 2021
Project Evaluation Panel meeting 27 August, 2021
Number of submitted proposals 5
Number of interviewed proposals 3
Number of awarded projects 1


Last updated 09/24/21