Calls for Proposals AMED selected R&D projects to adopt for the FY 2019 Advanced Research and Development Programs for Medical Innovation (AMED-CREST, PRIME)


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study
Key Fields Other programs(1st)
Division of Emerging Research, Department of Research Infrastructure
E-mail: kenkyuk-kobo “AT” (Please replace “AT” with “@”)
Please contact us, preferably by e-mail using the above contact information.

Adoption Contents

AS a result of scrupulous deliberation conducted by a Project Evaluation Panel, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) selected the R&D projects to adopt for the FY 2019 Advanced Research and Development Programs for Medical Innovation (AMED-CREST, PRIME) as follows:

R&D Area: Understanding of the biological phenomena and responses at the early life stages to improve the quality of health and medical care
(Early Life Stage)

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying human placental development and design of a placenta-on-a-chip platform Takahiro Arima Tohoku University
Elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms of Tfh2 response in allergy in human infants and toddlers Hideki Ueno Kyoto University
Innovative imaging platform for elucidating pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders Shigeo Okabe The University of Tokyo
Regulation of embryonic neural stem cells and its relation to postnatal brain development and autism spectrum disorder Yukiko Gotoh The University of Tokyo
Molecular basis of fetomaternal immune cross-talk controlling homeostasis and disease susceptibility Yoshinori Fukui Kyushu University


Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Clarification of neuronal network maturation in early life stages Aya Ito-Ishida Keio University
Developing treatment for abnormal emotional circuits in early life stress model Akira Uematsu The University of Tokyo
Molecular and neural mechanism of polyphenism responding to light Misako Okumura Hiroshima University
Study of mechanisms that environmental factors result in developmental disorders Ken-ichiro Kubo Keio University
Molecular evolutional study reveals the pathogenesis of maternal and child diseases caused by hypoxemia during pregnancy Nobuaki Takahashi Kyoto University
Understanding human-specific developmental mechanism of the cerebral cortex at the early life stages Ikuo K. Suzuki The University of Tokyo
Study of intestinal immune tolerance induced by activated Innate Lymphoid Cells Shinichiro Sawa Kyushu University
Comprehensive study of CHD8-mediated chromatin remodeling on the neurogenesis underlying the onset of ASD Masaaki Nishiyama Kanazawa University
Is epigenome transgenerationally inherited or not? Sumiyo Morita Gunma University
Study of the establishment of DNA methylation during primate germ cell development Toshiaki Watanabe
Central Institute for Experimental Animals

R&D Area: Understanding of pathophysiological processes and discovery of medical technology seeds through spatiotemporal research of tissue adaptation and repair mechanisms
(Tissue Adaptation and Repair)

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Adaptation and repair of skin barrier via multi-cellular interactions Kenji Kabashima Kyoto University
Neuronal migration: strategies for adaptation and endogenous repair in the injured brain Kazunobu Sawamoto Nagoya
City University
Discovery of tissue repairing immune cells for the development of therapeutic strategy Hiroshi Takayanagi The University of Tokyo
Identification of cellular and molecular constituents in unique
microenvironments regulating tissue damage and repair to prevent chronic kidney disease
Motoko Yanagita Kyoto University

Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Study of how thermal stress induces beige fat and aging effects on beige fat induction Kenji Ikeda Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Elucidation of neural repair mechanism by immune cells in the brain injury Minako Ito Keio University
Elucidation of cell interaction mechanism in suppression of chronic kidney disease progression through nervous and immune systems Tsuyoshi Inoue The University of Tokyo
Study of the epithelial repair mechanism by the new bioactive peptide Yukako Oda Kyoto University
Correlation network analysis of neural differentiation in disease iPS cells Fumi Kano Tokyo Institute of Technology
Study on the crosstalk between stromal cells and immune cells in intestinal homeostasis Hisako Kayama Osaka University
Regulatory mechanism segregating blood and lymphatic vascular systems Yoshiaki Kubota Keio University
Exploring and exploiting regulatory T cell-dependent mechanisms of tissue homeostasis Shohei Hori The University of Tokyo
Removal repair of pre-cancerous cells by spatiotemporally sensing suboptimal cells Takeshi Maruyama Waseda University
Restoration of regenerative system in the aged central nervous system Rieko Muramatsu National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry

※In order to further improve the quality of project evaluations and help internationalize the R&D environment, AMED introduced AMED reviewers, researchers affiliated with overseas research institutions, to participate in the ex-ante evaluation process for the unit-type (AMED-CREST) project in the "Understanding of the biological phenomena and responses at the early life stages to improve the quality of health and medical care" R&D area and “Understanding of pathophysiological processes and discovery of medical technology seeds through spatiotemporal research of tissue adaptation and repair mechanisms” R&D area.

R&D Area: Clarification of the mechanisms of individual’s functional impairment over the entire life course
(Functional Impairment)

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Study of the aged ribosome and reinforcing ribosome function for the extension of a healthy life Toshifumi Inada Tohoku University
Research on altered tissue functions caused by clonal expansion and remodeling of apparently normal tissues related to normal aging or exposure to chronic inflammation and other lifestyles Seishi Ogawa Kyoto University
Investigation of the mechanisms underlying age-associated accumulation of senescent cells Tohru Minamino Niigata University

Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Comprehensive identification of enhancers in developmental and aging process of in vivo neurons Yusuke Kishi The University of Tokyo
Study of age-dependent mechanosensory response decline by whole life-course, whole brain imaging technology Takuma Sugi Shiga University of Medical Science
Clarification of the heterogeneity of cellular senescence in functional impairment Akiko Takahashi Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research
Mechanism of memory impairment through age related metabolic change Ayako Tonoki Chiba University
Investigating mechanisms of rejuvenation in basal metazoans and their potential applications Yuichiro Nakajima Tohoku University
Effect of aging on time-restricted feeding in common marmoset, a non-human primate Megumi Hatori Keio University
Understanding the mechanism of individual’s functional impairment mediated by age-associated changes in osteocyte-derived osteokines Mikihito Hayashi Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Individual’s functional impairment and age-related disorders in organs by cytosolic dsDNA of mitochondrial origin Hideaki Matsui Niigata University
Elucidation of lifespan extension mechanism by S-adenosyl-L-methionine metabolism Masaki Mizunuma Hiroshima University
Study of age-related formation of super-enhancers and 3D genome dynamics in adaptive lymphocyte development throughout the whole life Masaki Miyazaki Kyoto University

Selection Process Schedules and Related Data

Solicitation Period

2019.4.9 Tue - 2019.5.28 Tue Noon (Japan standard time)

Interview Schedule
(Interview Selection Meeting)

R&D Area: Early Life Stage
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2019.8.7 Wed
Solo-type (PRIME): 2018.8.8 Thu, 2018.8.9 Fri

R&D Area: Tissue Adaptation and Repair
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2019.8.12 Mon
Solo-type (PRIME): 2019.8.13 Tue, 2019.8.14 Wed

R&A Area: Functional Impairment
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2019.8.8 Thu
Solo-type (PRIME): 2019.8.9 Fri, 2019.8.10 Sat


Last updated 09/26/19