Calls for Proposals FY 2020 Research Program on the challenges of Global Health issues

Change log

Updated on April 22, 2020; Update information for the Solicitation theme2 - The GACD application deadline has been extended until 30 July in consideration of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Updated on April 13, 2020; Solicitation Theme #1 was already closed on 10 April.

Update information for the Solicitation theme1 - Annex 10 Letter of Intent- 8 April 2020
In case that the principal investigator can’t obtain a Letter of Intent from leadership representatives of the participating country where the R&D is to be conducted, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, AMED will accept any other documents which can demonstrate their intension of the participation and support. (For example, copy of e-mail from leadership representatives of the country.).


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Grants/Funding Opportunities
R&D phase Clinical Study, Clinical Trials, Post Marketing, None
Key Fields Drug Discovery & Development(1st), Medical Device Development(1st), Japan Cancer Research Project(1st), Psychiatric & Neurological Disorders(1st), Emerging/ Re-Emerging Infectious Disease Project Of Japan(1st), Other programs(1st)
Submission Deadline 07/30/20 Thu
  • Submission deadlines of "Solicitation Theme 1" and "Solicitation Theme 2" are different.
    • Solicitation Theme #1: 2020.Jan.20 Fri- 2020.April.10 Fri
    • Solicitation Theme #2: 2020.Jan.20 Fri - 2020.July.30 Thu
  • Applicants for "Solicitation Theme 2" are required to submit an application document through the GACD common submission portal in addition to submission through the e-Rad.
Division of International Collaboration, Department of International Affairs Research Program on the Challenges of Global Health Issues
TEL: +81-3-6870-2215
E-mail: chikyukibo“AT”, Replace "at" with "@".
Please contact us, preferably by e-mail using the above contact information.

Public offering content

In FY2020, with the aim of improving health and medical services by resolving issues in low- and middle-income countries, the program will promote international joint clinical studies for evaluating the effectiveness, safety, and efficiency of drugs, medical devices, and medical technologies, etc., that have not been introduced into or widely spread within the target countries. Furthermore, working in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), the program will promote R&D aimed at preventing cancers that are also spreading in low- and middle-income countries. Based on the knowledge acquired, attention will be focused on the practical application and implementation of new diagnostic, treatment, and prevention methods in the target countries.

Solicitation Theme #1 is  International Joint Clinical Study for Promoting Overseas Utilization of Drugs, Medical Devices, and Medical Technologies in Order to Improve Health and Medical Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Solicitation Theme #2 is an international cooperative call for proposals with shared principles, purposes, scope of the call and review under GACD and seeks proposals for implementation research in the field of the primary and secondary prevention of cancer in LMICs. For details regarding the R&D projects being solicited, please refer to the following websites. 

No. Solicitation Theme Solicitation period Notification of selection Commencement of the project
1 International Joint Clinical Study for Promoting Overseas Utilization of Drugs, Medical Devices, and Medical Technologies in Order to Improve Health and Medical Services in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
2020.Jan.20 Fri- 2020.April.10 Fri End of May 2020 Early June 2020
2 GACD collaborative call: Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cancer in Low and Middle Income Countries 2020.Jan.20 Fri - 2020.July.30 Thu Early Nov 2020 Early December 2020

Program summary

This program promotes research related to global public health issues (infectious disease control, maternal and child health, universal health coverage, aging populations, lifestyle-related diseases, etc.). It aims to contribute to global health by taking advantage of advanced science and technology, and knowledge and experiences which have been accumulated in our country. The program also aims to enhance the global cooperation in health research. Achievements and findings of this program are expected to be instrumental for international organizations in developing global policies and principles.
AMED’s membership in GACD is based on this program and enables AMED to participate in collaborative, world-class research in implementation science.


  • The Principal Investigator must be based at an eligible institution in Japan, in line with AMED eligibility policy provided in the supplemental guideline.
  • Research teams must also include one or more collaborating researcher(s)* and/or co-investigator(s)** who belong to a collaborating research institute in a low- or middle-income country.
  • Research teams must collaborate with a Japanese private company which will provide technical support and/or products to be used in the project (e.g. IT technology, medical devices, pharmaceutical products, etc.).

Solicitation Period

01/20/20 Mon - 07/30/20 Thu
  • Submission deadlines of "Solicitation Theme 1" and "Solicitation Theme 2" are different.
    • Solicitation Theme #1: 2020.Jan.20 Fri- 2020.April.10 Fri
    • Solicitation Theme #2: 2020.Jan.20 Fri - 2020.July.30 Thu
  • Applicants for "Solicitation Theme 2" are required to submit an application document through the GACD common submission portal in addition to submission through the e-Rad.
The GACD application deadline has been extended

Interview Schedule

  • Solicitation Theme#1 : Midlle of May 2020 (tentative)
  • Solicitation Theme#2 : Early of September 2020 (tentative)

How to Apply

Please follow the application procedure written in the application guidelines.

  • Application to Solicitation Theme#1: Submission of Proposal Documents via e-Rad
  • Application to Solicitation Theme#2: Submission of Proposal Documents via e-Rad and GACD common submission portal

Submission of the application forms

  • e-Rad(Solicitation Themes #1 & #2)



Last updated 04/22/20