Calls for Proposals FY 2018 "Study on implementation of prevention of onset and progression of chronic diseases in LMICs", "GACD collaborative call: Scaling-up of evidence-based interventions at the population level for the prevention or management of hypertension and/or diabetes"
Change log
- 02, August 2018
- AMED added following condition on the Solicitation Theme2 "involvement of intervention payers is not necessarily required for application to the AMED grant." Please find the detailed information in AMED's Funding agency specific information at the web page of GACD Scale up call.
Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities | Grants/Funding Opportunities |
R&D Phase | Clinical Study, Post Marketing, Clinical Research |
Key Fields | Other programs(1st) |
Submission Deadline | 05/31/18 Thu 【12:00】:Solicitation Theme1 /April 20th(Fri), 2018 ~ September 10th (Mon), 2018、 submission deadline through e-Rad【12:00JST】、submission deadline through GACD【16:00BST】:Solicitation Theme2 |
Contact |
Public offering content
The global burden of non-communicable diseases constitutes a major public health challenge, which undermines social and economic development. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), as well as in high-income countries, chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes are responsible for onset of disabilities, and are responsible for a considerable part of mortality. AMED solicites implementation research projects which address the matter of chronic diseases in LMICs.
Solicitation Theme #1 is call for research project of a formative study to investigate a value of research theme toward applying for future GACD collaborative awards.
Solicitation Theme #2 is an international cooperative call for proposals with shared principles, purposes, scope of the call and review under GACD and seeks proposals for implementation research in the field of the prevention or management of hypertension and/or diabetes in LMICs. For details regarding the R&D projects being solicited, please refer to the following websites.
Applicants are able to apply for both of Solicitation Theme #1 and #2.
No. | Solicitation Theme | Solicitation period | Notification of selection | Commencement of the project |
1 | Study on implementation of prevention of onset and progression of chronic diseases in low and middle income countries | 2018.Apr.20 Fri - 2018.May.31 Thu | End of June 2018 | Early July 2018 |
2 | GACD collaborative call: Scaling-up of evidence-based interventions at the population level for the prevention or management of hypertension and/or diabetes | 2018.Apr.20 Fri - 2018.Sep.10 Mon | Middle of December, 2018 | Early January 2019 |
Program summary
This program promotes research related to global public health issues (infectious disease control, maternal and child health, universal health coverage, aging populations, lifestyle-related diseases, etc.) in areas such as disease etiology, disease prevention, and standardizing methods of diagnosis and treatment. It aims to contribute to global health by taking advantage of advanced science and technology, and knowledge and experiences which have been accumulated in our country. The program also aims to enhance the global cooperation in health research. Achievements and findings of this program are expected to be instrumental for international organizations in developing global policies and principles.
AMED’s membership in GACD is based on this program and enables AMED to participate in collaborative, world-class research in implementation science.
- The Principal Investigator has to be based at an eligible institution in Japan, in line with AMED eligibility policy provided in the supplemental guideline.
- Research team must be comprised with one or more collaborating researcher (s) and/or co-investigator(s) who belong to a collaborating research institute (s) of the LMICs
Solicitation Period
- Note:
- Submission deadlines of "Solicitation Theme 1" and "Solicitation Theme 2" are different.
- Applicants for "Solicitation Theme 2" are required to submit an application document through the GACD common submission portal in addition to submission through the e-Rad.
Interview Schedule
- Solicitation Theme#1 : Midlle of June 2018 (tentative)
- Solicitation Theme#2 : End of October 2018 (tentative)
Public invitation briefing
Date and Venue
Date:May 10th 2018(Thu)16:00~17:00(Registration will start form 15:45)
Venue:Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Headquaters (Yomiuri Shimbun Bldg.20F)
※Briefing session will be held in Japanese. Please kindly download and bring application documents to the briefing session.
How to apply
Please contact to the person in charge with following information.
(Necessary information)Name, Affiliation(Oraganization/Department),E-mail adress, necesity of individual cousultation after brifing.
※Please provide full name of all participants because they must be registered to enter the building.
How to Apply
Please follow the application procedure written in the application guidelines.
○Application to Solicitation Theme#1: Submission of Proposal Documents via e-Rad
○Application to Solicitation Theme#2: Submission of Proposal Documents via e-Rad and GACD common submission portal
For all R&D proposals, applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Please note that submitted proposal documents cannot be replaced after the application deadline.
Submission of the application forms
- e-Rad(Solicitation Themes #1 & #2)
Last updated 08/02/18