Calls for Proposals FY 2024 Japan-South Africa Joint Call for Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)
Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities | Grants/Funding Opportunities |
R&D Phase | Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study |
Key Fields | Project for Seeds Development and Research Base, Cancer, Infectious disease |
Submission Deadline | 12/02/24 Mon 17:00 JST (e-Rad) for Japan-based applicants |
Contact |
Public offering content
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) is pleased to invite proposals to the Joint Call with the South Africa Medical Research Council (SAMRC).
Research fields | Project size (excluding indirect costs) |
Research period | Expected number of projects to be selected |
Genomic Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Infectious Diseases | 7.69 million yen per year for each project | Max. of 3 years (May. 2025-Apr. 2028) |
0-3 project(s) |
For further information, please refer to SAMRC - AMED Research Initiative “Genomic Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Infectious Diseases” Call for Collaborative Proposals and the Supplemental guidelines for Japan-based applicants.
Program summary
SICORP provides support for international joint research projects on the basis of equal partnership in countries, regions, and fields of cooperation that have been designated as particularly important by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on the basis of intergovernmental agreements,in collaboration with funding agencies in the countries concerned.
The aim of this program is to contribute solutions to challenges facing world today and to bolster Japan’s scientific and technological capabilities through collaboration with a broad range of countries.
This program, with a view to disseminating excellent research results of our country to the world, expects to achieve synergies and develop mutually by collaborating with foreign countries and regions in science and technology that can be a source of our competitiveness.
Program Details
Please refer to SAMRC - AMED Research Initiative “Genomic Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Infectious Diseases” Call for Collaborative Proposals and the Supplemental guidelines for Japan-based applicants.
Solicitation Period
*Deadline for South Africa-based applicants is 10:00 SAST, Monday December 2, 2024
How to Apply
The co-applicants from Japan and South Africa shall work together to write a common research proposal. The Japan-based applicants are required to submit the proposal with Supplemental application form (written in Japanese) to AMED via e-Rad by 17:00 (JST) on December 2, 2024.
For more details, please refer to SAMRC - AMED Research Initiative "Genomic Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Infectious Diseases" Call for Collaborative Proposals and the Supplemental guidelines for Japan-based applicants.
* This call for collaborative proposals will require a set of applicants who will be serving as co-Principal Investigators (PI) based in South Africa and Japan to work in partnership on research projects. Research teams with partners from only one country are not eligible.
Submission of Application
e-Rad application systemReference
- 【For both Japan- and South Africa-based applicants】
- SAMRC - AMED Research Initiative “Genomic Insights into the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Infectious Diseases” Call for Collaborative Proposals (公募要領)
- Application Form
- Access the link and complete the form and attachment (budget, CVs, figures, tables, etc.) through the joint effort between applicants of both countries. Upload single PDF file to the e-Rad integrating the form and attachment.
- 【For Japan-based applicants】
- Supplemental guidelines for Japan-based applicants (日本側研究者向け応募注意事項)
- Supplemental application form for Japan-based applicants(日本側追加応募様式)
- Whole Genome Sequencing Analysis Protocol (in Japanese)
Last updated 10/07/24