News Releases & Research Results First Six Proposals Selected for the ASPIRE (Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem) Program
News Releases & Research Results
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED, President: MISHIMA Yoshinao) announced the first six proposals selected for the Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem (ASPIRE) Program under AMED's International Collaborative Research Program.
ASPIRE-A received 26 applications and ASPIRE-B received 17, for a total of 43.
Proposal solicitation, evaluation, adoption, support, etc. in this program is conducted by AMED and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). AMED supports research projects in the field of “healthcare”, and JST supports research projects in the field of “AI and information“, “biotechnology“, “energy“, “materials“, “quantum“, “semiconductors“ and “telecommunications“.
1. Program Summary
- ASPIRE aims to provide sufficient funds for large-scale collaborative joint research projects in cutting-edge fields, to be conducted at the initiative of the Japanese government in collaboration with advanced countries with high standards of science and technology.
- Under the cooperation of funding agencies in between Japan and the partner country, this new fund will support international joint research strategically by enabling flexibility to set the research budget and support period.
- Through this international research collaboration, Japanese researchers will be encouraged to join the world’s leading scientific community. The exchange and connection of excellent young researchers from Japan and partner countries will also be strengthened. This will promote international talent mobility and circulation, and contribute to long-term collaborative networks.
2. Awarded projects
Project | Affiliation | Title | Principal Investigator | Partner Principal Investigator / Title/ Partner Affiliation/ Country (Partner Funding agency) |
International Collaborative Research Pioneering Next-Generation Assisted Reproductive Medicine |
Osaka University | Professor | IKAWA Masahito | Marisa Bartolomei/ Professor/ University of Pennsylvania/ USA (NIH/NICHD) |
Martin Matzuk/ Professor/ Baylor College of Medicine/ USA (NIH/NCI) |
The pandemic 5W1H investigation | The University of Tokyo | Professor | SATO Kei | Anavaj Sakuntabhai/ Professor/ Institute Pasteur/ France (NIH/NIAID) |
Andrea Marzi/ Senior Investigator/ National Institutes of Health/ USA (NIH/NIAID) |
Chromatin molecular pathology for precision medicine | The University of Tokyo | Professor | SHIRAHIGE Katsuhiko | Camilla Björkegren/ Professor/ Karolinska Institutet/ Sweden (SRC) |
International collaboration to understand physiological mechanisms of glial cells and their pathological transitions |
National Institute for Physiological Sciences | Professor | WAKE Hiroaki | Marie-Ève Tremblay/ Professor/ University of Victoria/ Canada (CIHR) |
Marco Prinz/ Professor/ University of Freiburg/ Germany (DFG) |
Rosa Chiara Paolicelli/ Assistant Professor/ University of Lausanne/ Switzerland
Project | Affiliation | Title | Principal Investigator | Partner Principal Investigator / Title/ Partner Affiliation/ Country (Partner Funding agency) |
Exploration of personal medical strategies and novel therapeutic targets based on the pathogenetic mechanisms of chronic rhinosinusitis in Japanese and US patients. |
University of Fukui | Professor | FUJIEDA Shigeharu | Atsushi Kato/ Professor/ Northwestern University/ USA (NIH/NIAID) |
Understanding the immune responses that develop against the gastric onco-pathogen Helicobacter pylori and its application to immunotherapy |
Oita University | Professor | YAMAOKA Yoshio | Thomas Borén/ Professor/ Umeå University/ Sweden (SRC) |
* Projects are listed in alphabetical order based on the name of the principal investigator.
* Funding Agency
CIHR: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
DFG: German Research Foundation
NIH/NCI: National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
NIH/NIAID: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
NIH/NICHD: National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
SRC: Vetenskapsrådet - Swedish Research Council
SNSF: Swiss National Science Foundation
Department of International Strategy
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
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Last updated 12/22/23