Division of Research Programs Advanced International Collaborative Research Program - Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem (ASPIRE)


Key Fields Project for Seeds Development and Research Base
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Address: Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
Department of International Strategy, Division of Research Programs
TEL: +81-3-6870-2216
E-mail: amed-aspire“AT”amed.go.jp
(Replace “AT” with “@”)


  • Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem (ASPIRE) aims to provide sufficient funds for large-scale collaborative joint research projects in cutting-edge fields, to be conducted at the initiative of the Japanese government in collaboration with advanced countries with high standards of science and technology.
  • In cooperation with funding agencies in Japan and the partner country, this program provides strategic support for international joint research with flexible research budgets and support periods.
  • Through this international research collaboration, Japanese researchers will be encouraged to join the world’s leading scientific community. The exchange and connection of excellent young researchers from Japan and partner countries will also be strengthened. This will promote international talent mobility and circulation, and contribute to long-term collaborative networks.
  • Proposal solicitation, evaluation, adoption, support, etc. in this program will be conducted by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and AMED will support research projects in the field of “Healthcare”.

Participating funding agencies (For Alignment)

Country※2 Partner funding agency Type of participation Notes
Australia Australian Research Council (ARC) Existing grant Please contact arc-international”AT”arc.gov.au※3 for more information.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Existing grant NHMRC-funded researchers interested in this opportunity should contact the NHMRC Research Help Centre
help”AT”nhmrc.gov.au※3 for further information.
Canada Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Existing grant Please contact CIHR if you have any questions or require further information.
Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS) Existing grant Targeted programs:Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF) / Fonds d’excellence en recherche Apogée Canada, Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) / Chaires d’excellence en recherche du Canada
Please contact TIPS if you have any questions or require further information.
European Union European Research Council (ERC) Existing grant Researchers do not need to contact ERC before becoming part of a collaboration, but they must ensure any collaboration does involve research within the scope of the ERC-funded grant
France French National Research Agency (ANR) Existing grant  
French National Cancer Institute(INCa) Existing grant  
Germany German Research Foundation (DFG) Existing grant Contact point for German researchers interested in this activity:
Raoul Wagner raoul.wagner“AT”dfg.de※3
The Netherlands The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) Existing grant  
Norway Research Council of Norway (RCN) Existing grant RCN-funded researchers partnering with Japanese teams should inform their contact person in RCN upon ASPIRE application.
Sweden Vetenskapsrådet - Swedish Research Council (SRC) Existing grant  
Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) Existing grant Swedish researchers partnering with Japanese team should contact STINT upon application
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) Existing grant Swedish researchers partnering with Japanese team should contact STINT upon application
Vinnova Existing grant + chance of additional grant Swedish researchers partnering with Japanese team should contact Vinnova upon application.
Switzerland Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Existing grant + chance of additional grant Researchers funded by the SNSF who are interested in collaborating with Japanese partners under this call can contact International Cooperation SNSF (international“AT”snf.ch)※3
Collaboration with Japan: AMED & JST “Alignment Calls”(snf.ch)
United Kingdom British Heart Foundation (BHF) Existing grant BHF-funded researchers are requested to declare new collaborations established under the ASPIRE programme by contacting InternationalResearch“AT”bhf.org.uk※3, but do not need prior BHF consent to enter the collaboration. Please direct any questions about the programme to the same email address.
Cancer Research UK Existing grant  
National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Existing grant Information about all NIHR funded awards can be found at fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk. UK researchers partnering on an application with a Japanese team should inform the NIHR by emailing  international”AT”nihr.ac.uk※3
UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Existing grant Applicants do not need to contact MRC, however, if they wish to discuss the application or have queries, contact  international”AT”mrc.ukri.org※3
Wellcome Trust Existing grant Researchers do not need to contact Wellcome before becoming part of a collaboration, but must ensure any collaboration does not put their Wellcome-funded research outcomes at risk. If you have any queries, please contact fundingsupport”AT”wellcome.org※3
United States of America  National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Cancer Institute (NCI) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute on Aging (NIA) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Existing grant It is encouraged that NIH-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Existing grant It is encouraged that NSF-awarded investigators inform their POs upon ASPIRE application.

(As of July 1, 2024)
※2 Country: Alphabetical order 
※3 Replace “AT” with @

Last updated 07/03/24