Calls for Proposals FY 2020 Awarded Projects under Advanced Research & Development Programs for Medical Innovation (AMED-CREST, PRIME)


Status of Grants/Funding Opportunities Awarded projects
R&D Phase Basic Study
Key Fields Project for Seeds Development and Research Base
Division of Innovative Research and Development, Department of Innovation and Clinical Research Center
E-mail: kenkyuk-kobo “AT” (Please replace “AT” with “@”)
Please contact us by e-mail using the above contact information.

Adoption Contents

AS a result of scrupulous deliberation conducted by a Project Evaluation Panel , Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) selected the R&D projects to adopt for the FY 2020 Advanced Research and Development Programs for Medical Innovation (AMED-CREST, PRIME) as follows:

R&D Area: Understanding proteostasis and discovering innovative medical applications

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Protein aggregation and translation: yin and yang of diseased neurons IWASAKI Shintaro RIKEN Chief Scientist
Study of mitochondrial proteostasis controlled by protein trafficking ENDO Toshiya Kyoto Sangyo University Professor
Cytosolic Glycobiology – Toward comprehensive understanding of the cellular homeostasis SUZUKI Tadashi RIKEN Chief Scientist
Study on organelle homeostasis by post-translational modifications MATSUDA Noriyuki Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science Project Leader
Study on understanding of the molecular mechanisms of tissue-specific unfolded protein responses for radical cure of human chronic diseases MORI Kazutoshi Kyoto University Professor

Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Phase-separation-initiated proteolysis by degraders ARIMOTO Hirokazu Tohoku University Professor
The quality control mechanisms of nascent organellar proteins
– Molecular basis for organellostasis and development of therapeutic strategies–
IZAWA Toshiaki Tohoku University Assistant Professor
Understanding of cell-type-specific proteostasis of ribosome and elucidation of novel disease development mechanism IWASAKI Mio Kyoto University Assistant Professor
Development of ultra-sensitive quantitative glycome analysis method and elucidation of spatial glycostasis in tissue microenvironment and its medical application KAWAI Takayuki RIKEN Research Scientist
Proteostatic regulation for maintaining the function of adult neural stem cells KOBAYASHI Taeko Kyoto University Assistant Professor
Basic study toward diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder using disease-related molecule, polySia-NCAM SATO Chihiro Nagoya University Professor
Study of cellular proteostasis dynamics by imaging or manipuration of proteasome activity HAMAZAKI Jun Tokyo University Assistant professor
Mechanism of autophagy driven by liquid-liquid phase separation FUJIOKA Yuko Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation Researcher
Study for physiological regulation and cancer metastasis through modification with glycerol phosphate as a glycosylation termination factor of dystroglycan YAGI Hirokazu Nagoya City University Assistant Professor

R&D Area: Understanding of the biological phenomena and responses at the early life stages to improve the quality of health and medical care
(Early Life Stage)

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Identification of the mechanisms of epigenetic fragility and strategy to prevent AYA cancers USHIJIMA Toshikazu National Cancer Center Chief
Elucidation of the molecular basis of environmental memory from early life that prevents lifestyle diseases SAKAI Juro Tohoku University Professor
Elucidation of common mechanistic principle for environmental change-induced neuropsychiatric disorders and development of a therapeutic strategy using completely noninvasive cell replacement NAKASHIMA Kinichi Kyushu University Professor
Elucidation of metabolic and immune imprinting by prenatal exposure to maternal gut environmental factors HASE Koji Keio University Professor

Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Regulatory mechanism of longevity through developmental environment OBATA Fumiaki The University of Tokyo Lecturer
Development of a robust computational platform for data-driven epigenome analysis NAKATO Ryuichiro The University of Tokyo Lecturer
A new foundation for post-implantation developmental biology in primate NAKAMURA Tomonori Kyoto University Assistant professor
Study of the contribution of mechanosensory neurons to establishing proper breathing pattern in mammalian newborns NONOMURA Keiko National Institute for Basic Biology Assistant professor
Validation of the causal relationship between early-life myelination in the prefrontal cortex and social behavior MAKINODAN Manabu Nara Medical University Associate Professor
Understanding of normal brain development and the CNS pathologies through early life stages of the CNS immune cells MASUDA Takahiro Kyushu University Assistant professor
Study of maternal-effect anemia caused by defective ribosome quality control MISHIMA Yuichiro Kyoto Sangyo University Associate Professor
Tracing and manipulation of maternal-to-fetal/infant essential fatty acid transmission to understand molecular basis of mental development YANAGIDA Keisuke National Center for Global Health and Medicine Senior Research Fellow
Understanding molecular mechanisms of post-weaning environmental effects on adaptative winter survival strategies YAMAGUCHI Yoshifumi Hokkaido University Professor
Study of environmental factor-induced diversity in disease phenotype YOSHIDA Keisuke
Research & Development Researcher

R&D Area: Understanding of pathophysiological processes and discovery of medical technology seeds through spatiotemporal research of tissue adaptation and repair mechanisms
(Tissue Adaptation and Repair)

Unit-type (AMED-CREST)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Achieving sustainable reconstruction of damaged neural network toward complete recovery in stroke and dementia SHICHITA Takashi Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science Project Leader
Metabolic reprogramming driving hematological aging TAKUBO Keiyo National Cencer for Global Health and Medicine Research Institute Project Director
Mechanism of endocrine dysregulation in hepatic inflammation and fibrosis using patientderived organoids TAKEBE Takanori Tokyo Medical and Dental University Professor
New mechanisms of tissue adaptation and repair based on disease-associated lipid metabolism and their applications to novel medical seeds MURAKAMI Makoto The University of Tokyo Professor

Solo-type (PRIME)

Project Principal Investigator Affiliation
Spatiotemporal-functional analysis of the enteric nervous system in tissue remodeling ISHIGAME Harumichi RIKEN Senior Research Associate
Clarifying and targeting integrated network of hematopoiesis under age-related stress INOUE Daichi Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe Group Leader
Mechanisms of skeletal muscle regeneration mediated by increased macrophage diversity OISHI Yumiko Nippon Medical School Professor
Enteric mesenchymal-neural circuit for the mucosal regeneration and fibrogenesis KURASHIMA Yosuke Chiba University Associate Professor
Study of the mechanism of lung repair in interstitial lung diseases by temporal cell-cell interaction network analysis SHICHINO Shigeyuki Tokyo University of Science Assistant Professor
Spatiotemporal effects of a novel signaling molecule, bicarbonate, in neurovascular unit reconstruction JO-WATANABE Airi Juntendo University Assistant Professor
Analysis of sparse and hidden tissue remodeling regions indicated by active astrocytes SUSAKI Etsuo A. The University of Tokyo Associate Professor
The roles of oxygen environment on the pathogenesis of cardiac fibrosis TAKEDA Norihiko Jichi Medical University Professor
Modeling and studying cholestatic liver diseases using a novel hepato-biliary organoid system TANIMIZU Naoki Sapporo Medical University Associate Professor
A challenge to reveal and regulate multi-cellular networks that remove abnormal cells and maintain tissue homeostasis MOROISHI Toshiro Kumamoto University Professor

※In order to further improve the quality of project evaluations and help internationalize the R&D environment, AMED introduced AMED reviewers, researchers affiliated with overseas research institutions, to participate in the ex-ante evaluation process for the unit-type (AMED-CREST) project.

Selection Process Schedules and Related Data

Solicitation Period

2020.3.24 Tue - 2020.5.12 Tue Noon (Japan standard time)

Interview Schedule
(Interview Selection Meeting)

R&D Area: Proteostasis
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2020.7.23 Thu
Solo-type (PRIME): 2020.8.9 Sun, 2020.8.10 Mon

R&D Area: Early Life Stage
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2020.8.1 Sat
Solo-type (PRIME): 2020.8.3 Mon, 2020.8.4 Tue

R&A Area: Tissue Adaptation and Repair
Unit-type (AMED-CREST): 2020.8.11 Tue
Solo-type (PRIME): 2020.8.12 Wed, 2020.8.13 Thu

  Proteostasis Early Life Stage Tissue Adaptation
and Repair
Number of applicants recieved 41 96 39 98 39 146
Number of proposals interviewed 10 17 9 24 9 20
Number of proposals selected for funding 5 9 4 10 4 10


Last updated 09/28/20