Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research PPI Guidebook

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) ~A guide for collaboration between patients and researchers~

This guidebook was created under the supervision of the " Survey of Trends in Patient and the Public Involvement in Clinical Research”.
Although we assume most readers to be researchers, we have devised ways to make it useful for participating patients and citizens as well.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to; everyone who cooperated with the survey, researchers, patients and citizens who gave us their opinions on the draft, and everyone who cooperated in creating the English version of this guidebook.
(First edition completed on March 31, 2019)

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For inquiries, please contact

Address: Division of Research Integrity, Social Co-Creation and Legal Affairs
E-mail : ppi"AT" (Replace"AT"with @)

Last updated 04/26/22