Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in Research AMED's Approach to PPI

AMED aims to bring research outcomes in the field of medicine to practical use as quickly as possible so that patients and their families are able to receive its benefits. For this aim, AMED promotes Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in medical research and clinical trials. Ultimately our work should support each patient's life, in terms of biological existence, diary living, and lifespans.

AMED's Approach to Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)


AMED envisions a form of PPI in which researchers draw on insights, advices and feedbacks from patients and the public in the medical research and clinical trial processes.

Note: Patient and the Public are defined as patients, their families, former patients (survivors) and future patients.

Our Philosophy

  1. Produce research results that are more useful for patients and the public
  2. Promote smooth implementation of medical research and clinical trials
  3. Contribute human subject protection (reduce risk)

Intended outcomes for researchers

  1. Give new perspectives and value for further advancement of research and development
  2. Address patient anxiety and concerns, and facilitate understanding of medical research and clinical trials

Intended outcomes for patients and the public

  1. Improve the convenience and understanding of medical research and clinical trial for research participants
  2. Make medical research and clinical trials more accessible to of patients and the public and increase their interest in healthcare

Last updated 04/21/22