Division of Innovative Research and Development Advanced Research & Development Programs for Medical Innovation(AMED-CREST)

Promotion and support of this Research and Development (R&D) Area was transferred from the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) as of April 1, 2015.
The original English texts were based on those provided by the courtesy of JST.

Creation of Innovative Technology for Medical Applications Based on the Global Analyses and Regulation of Disease-Related Metabolites

[Research and Development Objective] Creation of core technologies for early-stage drug discovery through the investigation of disease-specific profiles of biomolecules

Outline of the Research & Development (R&D) Area

The aim of this R&D area is to create breakthrough technology platforms based on biomolecular dynamics analysis, the outcomes of which will contribute to medical applications such as drug discovery, disease diagnosis, and prevention. The technology platforms should increase the capacity of current systems to find, identify, and quantify disease-related metabolites and their associated factors as potential target molecules for disease control and broader medical applications.

In particular, metabolomics and other “omics” approaches are in great demand for the identification of disease-associated factors; therefore, these need to be developed. Further, we need the technology to identify proteins and other biomolecules related to these factors so they are within the scope. By combining biomedical research projects with the newly developing technology platforms, this R&D area aims to deliver proofs of concept for human disease control by taking full advantage of information obtained about core biomolecules as potential targets for medical applications.

The technical goals specified by the R&D area should be shared among individual research projects. Therefore, the management strongly encourages them to collaborate with others within this so-called virtual-network-type institute as well as with projects in the corresponding Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO) Research Area (of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)), both aiming for the establishment and sophistication of technologies in a team-oriented manner. The management also prioritizes smooth translations to clinical applications; therefore, it considers further efforts allied with other drug discovery programs.

Year the Area adopted


Management and Evaluation Framework

Program Supervisor (PS)

Project Leader, Department of Lipid Signaling, National Center for Global Health and Medicine

R&D Area Advisors

ABE Keiko
Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
UEMURA Daisuke
Distinguished Professor, Kanagawa University
ODA Yoshiya
Professor, Graduate School of Medicine Lipidomics, The University of Tokyo
SATO Taka-aki
Fellow, Director of Life Science Research Center, Shimadzu Corporation
Vice President Head, Medical Affairs Division, Janssen Pharmaceutical K.K.
TAKAI Yoshimi
Project Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
TAKAGI Toshihisa
President, Toyama University of Internationa Studies
Visiting Professor/Emeritus Professor, Drug Discovery Initiative, The University of Tokyo
Professor and Director, The Medical Innovation Ceter, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
Professor Emeritus, Showa Pharmaceutical University
Director Emeritus・Supreme Adviser, Sumitomo Hospital


Last updated 04/17/24