Completed Research Program for Health Behavior Modification by Utilizing IoT


Key Fields Other programs(1st)
R&D Phase None
Division of Clinical Research and Trials, Department of Clinical Research and Trials
E-mail: rinsho-ict“AT”*Replace "AT" with @.)


Services that facilitate behavior changes utilizing health and medical information are considered to be effective in preventing, managing, and improving lifestyle-related diseases. In order to provide such services continuously and to be accepted by health care professionals widely, it is important to implement R&D programs by establishing scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness, safety, and economic efficiency.

This program aims to create model service that can contribute to preventing, managing, and improving lifestyle-related diseases in the future. We support research that utilizes of health-related information in daily life obtained from technology such as wearable devices to promote behavior changes and to prevent, manage, and improve lifestyle-related diseases. In addition, we promote research that analyzes and utilizes health-related information via the exchange rules in an integrated manner to develop algorithms that can lead to the above benefits.

Last updated 02/26/19