Division of Data Sharing and Medical Art Research and Development Grants for Comprehensive Research for Persons with Disabilities


Key Fields Psychiatric & Neurological Disorders(1st), Other programs(1st)
R&D Phase Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Division of Neurological, Psychiatric and Brain Research Research, Department of Research Promotion
TEL: +81-3-6870-2222

Research for Persons with Disabilities

In the fields of a) physical and intellectual disabilities, b) disabilities of the sensory organs, c) mental disorder, and d) neuromuscular diseases, we will promote research and development in order to provide appropriate support, such as general rehabilitation, and advanced practical research that contributes to the clarification of: etiologies and pathological conditions of diseases leading to disabilities, prevention and diagnosis of such diseases, and treatment and rehabilitation methods for them. We will make special efforts to promote research aimed at providing livelihood support for persons with disabilities and their families and for the families of children with disabilities and at enabling them to participate in society. Moreover, in the fields of c) mental disabilities and d) neuromuscular diseases, we will make efforts to improve the quality of medical treatment (development of guidelines by accumulating evidence through validation of diagnostic and treatment methods) and develop new diagnostic methods and treatment methods (research covering the practical application process from creation of seeds to clinical studies).

Research and Development Grants for Comprehensive Research for Persons with Disabilities1
 Research and Development Grants for Comprehensive Research for Persons with Disabilities2

Management and Evaluation Framework

PS (Program Supervisor)
  • Kozo NAKAMURA, M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
PO (Program Officer)
◆Sensory Disability Area
  • Kotaro ISHIKAWA M.D., Ph.D., Head Otorhinolaryngologist, National Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities
  • Satoshi KATO M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, GraduateSchool of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
◆Physical Disability Area and Intellectural Disability Area
  • Yasoichi NAKAJIMA M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Nagano University of Health and Medicine
◆Mental Disorder Area
  • Emi IKEBUCHI M.D., Ph.D., Chairperson, Department of Psychiatry, Teikyo University School of Medicine
  • Teruhiko HIGUCHI M.D., Ph.D., President Emeritus, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
◆Neuromuscular Disease Area
  • Yasoichi NAKAJIMA M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Nagano University of Health and Medicine


Last updated 07/07/17