Division of Moonshot Research and Development Program Alliance program for Innovative Medical/healthcare research by Government-Academia-Industry Collaboration


Key Fields Moonshot Research and Development Program
R&D Phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study, Clinical Study, Clinical Trials, None
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Office of Project Management, Division of Moonshot Research and Development Program (AIMGAIN)
E-mail: kikin-sangakukan"AT"amed.go.jp

※Please replace “AT” with “@” in the e-mail address.
※Your inquiries will be accepted only by e-mail. Please contact the address above.


The research and development with industry-academia collaboration has become increasingly important in recent years because the results of research and development have been expected to be implemented to our society. AMED has been supporting the research and development of industry-academia collaboration, and has come to launch the “Alliance program for Innovative Medical/healthcare research by Government-Academia-INdustry collaboration” (Abbreviated name: AIMGAIN)
The program aims to conduct the research and development with the collaboration of several academia and companies. The program is supported by matching funds of multiple years (up to 5 years) which consist of national funds (government expense) and private funds from companies. The results of the program is expected to achieve the development of pharmaceuticals and medical devices (and so on) by the companies.
AIMGAIN consists of two types of programs. One is “academia type” which provides research funds to academia. The other is “start-up type” which provides research funds to not only academia but start-up companies. Start-up type is established to support stat-up companies based on the economic strategy of Japanese government.
AIMGAIN realize the wide range of academia-industry collaboration with multiple-year funds in non-competitive areas, which are difficult to conduct by single academia or company and where basic research and drug discovery technology produce insufficient results because the number of patients is limited or the collaboration of companies with various areas is needed.
The program will achieve the development of innovative pharmaceuticals and medical devices (and so on) unable to be created by conventional research schemes.

Action of academia-industry-government collaboration

AMED has organized a webinar and workshops as interactive place for members in academia and companies to promote the academia-industry collaboration as below.

April 23, 2024 Workshop (Academia type/Start-up type) Otemachi place conference center
November 20, 2023 Workshop (Academia type/Start-up type) Muromachi Mitsui hall & conference
June 30, 2023 Workshop (Start-up type)  Iino hall & conference center
May 18, 2023  Workshop (Start-up type)  Nihon-bashi global life science hub
March 29, 2023 Webinar (Start-up type)  -
May 10, 2022 Workshop (Academia type)  Otemachi place conference center

Past workshops

Status of calls for proposals

AMED implemented two calls for proposals of academia type and one call for proposals of start-up type. Two proposals of academia type and four proposals of start-up type were adopted.

Last updated 04/30/24