Division of Strategic Planning and Evaluation The iD3 Navi


Key Fields Drug Discovery & Development(1st)
R&D phase Basic Study, Applied Study, Nonclinical Study/Pre-clinical Study
Division of Strategic Planning and Evaluation, Office of Drug Discovery Support, Department of Innovative Drug Discovery and Development (iD3)
TEL: (East Japan Office) Tel : +81-3-3516-6181
(West Japan Office) Tel : +81-6-6372-1771
E-mail: id3navi”AT”amed.go.jp(※Replace “at” with @.)

The iD3 Navi program offers a unique opportunity for university scientists to get free access to high quality consultations with experience iD3 drug discovery experts on the issues that they are facing in the process of drug discovery and development. The scope of the consultations includes IP management, exit strategy building, and various regulatory issues associated with preclinical development, such as GLP* and CMC*. This program aims to work closely with the iD3 Booster to powerfully support drug discovery research and development at universities and public research organizations in Japan.

Good Laboratory Practice
Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls

Last updated 04/04/17