ニュース IRUDキックオフに際し、米国国立衛生研究所(NIH:National Institute of Health)の未診断疾患プログラム(UDP:Undiagnosed Diseases Program)の責任者であるWilliam A. Gahl氏からいただいたメッセージ

Dear Dr. Suematsu,

Congratulations on your momentous beginning of the UDP in Japan! Your innovative program, entitled "Initiatives on Rare and Undiagnosed Diseases", provides leadership for the entire region, and will yield enormous benefits for hundreds of citizens desperate for a diagnosis. On behalf of all those who care deeply about rare and undiagnosed diseases, I praise you and your team for your achievements today.

All the best.


William A. Gahl, MD, PhD
Clinical Director, NHGRI
Director, NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program

最終更新日 平成29年9月25日