SCARDA:Strategic Center of Biomedical Advanced Vaccine Research and Development for Preparedness and Response Japan Initiative for World-leading Vaccine Research and Development Centers


Key Fields Infectious disease
R&D phase Basic Study, Applied Study
Division for Promotion of Vaccine Research and Development, Department of Advanced Vaccine Research and Development
Japan Initiative for World-leading Vaccine Research and Development Centers
E-mail: scarda-rdc"AT" replace "AT" with "@".)


Based on the Strategy for Strengthening the Vaccine Development and Production System and aiming for the achievement of Japanese-made vaccines, world-leading research and development centers (a flagship center, synergetic centers, support institutions)  are set up. At these research centers, we strengthen and promote vaccine-related research aiming to achieve practical results during normal times.

Flagship center
In preparation for infectious disease emergencies, in order to exercise core functional roles in cutting-edge research during normal times, a flagship center was created that achieves flexible management in which independence and autonomy are secured, attracts researchers from around the world, and conducts hitherto unseen world-leading research and development.

Synergy centers
As institutions that take on research and development functions in an integrated manner with the flagship center, synergy centers conduct in particular research and development that makes the most of their various individual strengths, and form research centers that exert synergistic effects with other centers.

Support institutions
With regard to the flagship center and the synergy centers, the support institutions assume the role of support and common infrastructures for experimental animal breeding, human immunology analyses, genome analysis of illnesses associated with a higher risk of infectious diseases becoming critical, and other vital functions requisite for vaccine development.

Evaluation and Management Framework

Program Supervisor (PS)

  • HAMAGUCHI Michinari, M.D., Ph.D., Director General, Strategic Center of Biomedical Advanced Vaccine Research and Development for Preparedness and Response (SCARDA)

Program Officers (POs) (in alphabetical order)

  • HASEGAWA Yoshinori, M.D., Ph.D., Emeritus Director, National Hospital Organization, Nagoya Medical Center
  • KARASUYAMA Hajime, M.D., Ph.D., Professor at Institute of Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University(TMDU)
  • KOKUBO Toshio, Ph.D., High Class Research Administrator, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, University of Tsukuba
  • SUGANO Sumio, M.D., Ph.D., Representative Director, Kashiwa-no-ha Omics Gate Association
  • YAMASHITA Makoto, Ph.D., Visiting Professor, Aichi Medical University

Last updated 04/22/24