国際事業課 研究グラント(Research Grants)日本人受賞者一覧

HFSP研究グラント(Research Grants)は、異なる専門知識を組み合わせた革新的アプローチによって、単一の研究室では解明することのできなかった基礎生物学上の問題に取り組むことを目指す科学者の国際共同研究に対して助成されます。

これまで500名以上の日本人研究者がプログラムグラント(Research Grant-Program)及び若手研究者グラント(Research Grant-Early Career)を受賞しています。


プログラムグラント(Research Grant-Program)日本人受賞者一覧


Name Affiliation Project Title
SATO Moritoshi Dept. of Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
Optogenetic control of organelle “chatter” and effects on calcium dynamics in human cardiomyocytes
OGATA Hiroyuki Institute for Chemical Research,
Kyoto University, Uji Campus
Mechanisms and origins of glycosylation in giant viruses
IKEUCHI Yoshiho Institute of Industrial Science,
The University of Tokyo
Deciphering the Impact of Viral Infections on Human Neurocognitive Functions ex vivo
KATO Hideaki Dept. of Life Sciences,
The University of Tokyo
UV opsin as the sensor for magneto-sensation in animals


Name Affiliation Project Title
FUJINAMI Rieko Dept. of Science,
Kyoto University of Education
Evolution at the plant apex: identifying steps enabling a major organismal radiation
KANEKO Fumitoshi Dept. of Macromolecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka The role of lipid physical properties for the multifunctionality of insect cuticular hydrocarbons
KINOSHITA Michiyo Evolutionary Studies of Biosystems, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Sokendai, Kanagawa Shiny signalling: the production, detection and neurobiological processing of brilliant colours
MATSUURA Tomoaki Earth-Life Science Institute, National University Corporation,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Autonomous evolution of synthetic cells under non-equilibrium conditions
ODA Toshiyuki Dept. of Anatomy and Structural Biology,
University of Yamanashi
From disorder to order: mechanism of specialised assembles formation essential for muscle function
WATANABE Shigeki* Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore From diffuse to localised signalling: The origin of synaptic neurotransmission in animals


Name Affiliation Project Title
FUJIYAMA Fumino Lab. Of Histology and Cytology,
Hokkaido University
Deciphering the link between bran development and aging
KONDO Shigeru Dept. of Frontier Bioscience,
Osaka University, Suita
Trichomes: uncovering principles of forming complex 3-dimentonnal shapes by cellular morphogenesis
TAKAHASHI Yasufumi Nano Life Science Institute,
Kanazawa University
Super-resolution multifunctional scanning ion conductance microscopy: tapping the cell’s energy grid
TAKINOUE Masahiro Dept. of Computer Science,
Tokyo Institute of Technology Yokohama
Physical regulation of the genome


Name Affiliation Project Title
KAKUTANI Tetsuji University of Tokyo Assembling and recombining the Arabidopsis centromeres
KAKUGO Akira Hokkaido University Structural damage to axons resulting from repetitive mechanical motion
INABA Kazuo University of Tsukuba Understanding the cellular mechanics of coral bleaching
KAMIKOUCHI Azusa* Nagoya University Decoding acoustic communication in mosquitoes: from distortion products to vector control
SAWAI Satoshi University of Tokyo The shaping of life by oxygen: from single cell to multicellular dynamics


Name Affiliation Project Title
ANDO Toshio Kanazawa University Self-organization and biomechanical properties of the endosomal membrane
INOUE Takanari* Johns Hopkins University Developing a method for rapid disassembly of neurodegenerative biomolecular condensates
KAWATE Toshimitsu Cornell University Hormone delivery in plants: mechanisms and physiological roles of gibberellic acid transporters - RENEWAL APP
KAWATA Masakado Tohoku University Does Evolution Repeat Itself? Genome Evolution and Phenotypic Convergence in Island Lizards
NISHIZAWA Seiichi Tohoku University The extracellular space of the brain: a multi-modal analysis from nano-structure to in vivo function
TOKURIKI Nobuhiko* University of British Columbia Evolution of conformational and kinetic ensembles during functional transitions
NOJI Hiroyuki University of Tokyo


Name Affiliation Project Title
IZAWA Takeshi The University of Tokyo An integrative approach to decipher flowering time dynamics under drought stress
HAYASHI Yasunori* Kyoto University In vitro reconstitution of synaptic plasticity: a minimalist approach
TOJU Hirokazu Kyoto University Tracking trade across symbiotic networks


Name Affiliation Project Title
TAMURA Kentaro Kyoto University Integrating mechanotransduction in development: how does cell shape dictate chromatin remodeling?
UEDA Hiroki R. The University of Tokyo Sleep, the clock, and the brain: a neuromathematical approach
SUZUKI Madoka Waseda University Nanoscale heat transfer phenomena: new paradigm for intra- and intercellular signalling and shaping
SANO Masaki The University of Tokyo Coupling of cell polarization and differentiation in organoids
SAITOU Mitinori Kyoto University Mechanisms of chromatin reprogramming to totipotency


Name Affiliation Project Title
SUGA Hiroaki The University of Tokyo Rebuilding and reimagining the last common ancestor, a ribo-organism
YOSHIMORI Tamotsu Osaka University The physical basis of autophagosome biogenesis
ISHIGURO Akio Tohoku University Robotics-inspired biology: decoding flexibility of motor control by studying amphibious locomotion
SHIMIZU Yoshihiro* RIKEN A PURE-ly synthetic ribosome biogenesis in DNA compartments on a chip
YOSHIDA Masa-Aki* Shimane University How to make a heart beat? Basic principles for novelties and parallel innovations in cephalopods


Name Affiliation Project Title
IKEGAYA Yuji The University of Tokyo Multi-scale analysis of membrane neurotransmitter cross-talk in the physiopathological brain
MIYAMOTO Kei Kinki University Nuclear actin assembly in chromatin structure and dynamics for cell cycle control and reprogramming
MASAI Ichiro Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University The physics of social behavior in the 3-dimensional shoaling of zebrafish, Danio rerio


Name Affiliation Project Title
YOSHIMURA Takashi National Institute for Basic Biology Evolution of seasonal timers
MAEDA Yusuke T. Kyushu University Towards self-reproduction of protocells and minimal cells: evolution versus engineering
SHIKANAI Toshiharu Kyoto University Photosynthesis light utilisation dynamics and ion fluxes: making the link
KANZAKI Ryohei The University of Tokyo Odor-background segregation and source localization using fast olfactory processing


Name Affiliation Project Title
UEDA Takuya The University of Tokyo Single-molecule studies of ribosome assembly: Coupling transcription and assembly
TERAKITA Akihisa Osaka City University Adapting metazoan opsins for optogenetic applications
HIRASE Hajime RIKEN Mitochondrial G Protein signaling in astrocytes: a new player in the tripartite synapse
SAITO Hirohide* Kyoto University An engineering approach to understand local translation in cell-fate decisions
SHIMOJO  Shinsuke* California Institute of Technology A psychophysical and neuroengineering approach to human magnetoreception
MATANI Ayumu The University of Tokyo
KOMATSU Masaaki Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science Sensors and modulators of autophagy networks in vivo
YUZAKI  Michisuke Keio University Bridge over troubled synapses: synthetic extracellular protein scaffolds for neuronal connectivity


Name Affiliation Project Title
TOKURIKI Nobuhiko University of British Columbia  (T)Race back in space ? Recovering protein evolvability from multifunctional ancestors
HARATA Masahiko Tohoku University Actin and actin-related proteins: probing their nuclear function
HAYASHI  Yasunori* RIKEN Dynamics of actin anchoring in synaptic plasticity and learning
HOSHIJIMA Masahiko* University of California, San Diego Developmental assembly and synthesis of membrane nano-domains for oscillating cardiac regulation
TAKESHIMA Hiroshi Kyoto University
NAMBA Keiichi Osaka University Artificial synthesis of the bacterial flagellar motor with DNA nanostructures
MURAKAMI  Satoshi Tokyo Institute of Technology Assembly and activity of multidrug efflux machines
YANO Junko* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation: simultaneous X-ray spectroscopy and crystallography


Name Affiliation Project Title
MATSUZAKI Fumio Center for Developmental Biology Morphodynamics of mammalian planar cell polarity - a quantitative approach
TAKUMI Toru RIKEN Networks, genetics, clocks and psychosis: a multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach


Name Affiliation Project Title
TANAKA Motomasa RIKEN Characterization of conformational space in prion proteins using single-molecule techniques
GOSHIMA Gohta* Nagoya University Plasticity of non-centrosomal microtubule networks
NAGATA Kazuhiro Kyoto Sangyo University Cell Stress and Proteostasis Dysfunction in Aging and Disease
KURODA Shinya The University of Tokyo Cellular Information Processing and Decision Making: from Noise to Robust Phenotypes
ISHIDO Satoshi RIKEN Substrate recognition by MARCH ubiquitin ligases: a paradigm of membrane-associated immunoregulation
YASUDA  Ryohei* Duke University Medical Center Visualizing nanometer-scale structural plasticity of synapses in real time using AFM
ANDO  Toshio Kanazawa University


Name Affiliation Project Title
YOSHIHARA Yoshihiro RIKEN Mechanistic analysis of neuronal circuit structure and function
KASAI  Haruo* The University of Tokyo Optogenetics for small G-proteins and protein kinases in neuroscience
KOMATSUZAKI Tamiki Hokkaido University Dynamical coordination in a multi-domain, peptide antibiotic mega-synthetase
TSUDA Ichiro Hokkaido University Deliberative decision-making in rats
TOUHARA Kazushige The University of Tokyo An interaction map of C. elegans dauer pheromone compoments and chemoreceptors


Name Affiliation Project Title
HASHIMOTO Hideki Osaka City University Understanding supramolecular architectures in photosynthesis by space and time resolved spectroscopy
SATO Katsushige Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School CNS Development Probed by Random Access Non-linear Optical Electrophysiology
TANAKA Tomoyuki University of Dundee A multidisciplinary approach to microtubule-kinetochore attachment
TAKEYASU  Kunio Kyoto University
NAKAMURA Kae* Kansai Medical University Serotonin and decision-making: integrating interspecies experimental and computational approaches
KITAZAWA Shigeru Juntendo University School of Medicine The multiple timescales of motor memory
WATANABE Naoki* Kyoto University Actin turnover homeostasis and spatial heterogeneity of regulators in artificially polarized cells


Name Affiliation Project Title
HIGUCHI Hideo The University of Tokyo Structure and mechanism of cytoplasmic dynein
KON Takahide The University of Tokyo
MOCHIZUKI Atsushi National Institute for Basic Biology Modeling cell fate during Drosophila heart development
SHIMOGORI Tomomi RIKEN Self-Organized Wiring of the Cerebral Cortex through Thalamocortical Growth Cones: An Integrated Approach
TASHIRO Masato National Institute of Infectious Disease Integrating the antigenic, genetic, and epidemiological analyses of antigenically variable pathogens
YOSHIMURA  Shige Kyoto University Translation by single ribosomes one codon at a time


Name Affiliation Project Title
YAMASHITA Ichiro Nara Institue of Science and Technology Biomineralization and biomimetic mineralization using the Dps family of protein cage architectures
UEDA Takuya The University of Tokyo Approach to the construction of minimal living cells
OKAMURA Yasushi* National Institute for Basic Biology Biodiversity and principle of the voltage sensor domain
NAKAGAKI Toshiyuki Hokkaido University Optimization in natural systems: ants, bees and slime moulds


Name Affiliation Project Title
NIIMURA Nobuo Ibaraki University New Methods of Bio-molecular Crystal Structure Determination Specific to Neutron Diffraction Data
ISHIURA Shoichi* The University of Tokyo Intracellular protease signaling induced by homopolymeric amino acids (HPAA)
ITO Kei* The University of Tokyo Analysis of motion processing pathways and free flight control in wildtype and transgenic Drosophila
BITO Haruhiko The University of Tokyo SYNAPTIC TAGGING AND CAPTURE: Functions, models and mechanisms


Name Affiliation Project Title
MIYAWAKI  Atsushi RIKEN A new experimental framework for quantitative biophysical studies in developmental biology
KAIBUCHI  Kozo Nagoya University A combined in vivo/in vitro approach to study cell-cortex-regulated microtubule organization
WADA Takuji RIKEN Modelling the regulation of cell patterning in Arabidopsis root epidermis
SUGAHARA  Kazuyuki Kobe Pharmaceutical University Glycobiology meets nanotechnology: nanoparticle probes for the analysis of polysaccharides
ITO  Yukishige RIKEN The function of glycoprotein receptors in the transit from ER to Golgi
ISA Tadashi National Institute for Basic Biology Neural substrate of bottom-up and top-down visual attentional integration
AIZAWA  Shin-Ichi Prefectural University of Hiroshima Proteomics, genetics and ultrastructure of predator-prey interactions by Bdellovibrio bacteria


Name Affiliation Project Title
KONDOH Jun Shizuoka University Mechanisms of antimicrobial peptide interactions with the target cell membrane
HANAOKA Fumio* Osaka University Integrated structural biochemistry of DNA damage recognition and processing
NAKATANI Yoshihiro Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
IWAI Shigenori Osaka University
ISHIWATA Shin'ichi Waseda University Micromechanics of the cell division machinery
NAKAI Junichi RIKEN Sensory encoding in the cerebellum: optical and electrophysiological approaches in awake animals
WATANABE Takeo* Boston University Requirement of awareness in learning
SAKAGAMI  Masamichi Tamagawa University
FUKUMORI  Yoshihiro Kanazawa University Biogenesis, function and application of bacterial magnetic organelle

* Principal investigator

若手研究者グラント(Research Grant-Early Gareer)日本人受賞者一覧


Name Affiliation Project Title
TAKEMATA Naomichi* Dept. of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry,
Kyoto University
A tale of tails – reconstructing evolutionary transition between archaeal and eukaryotic chromatin


Name Affiliation Project Title
FUJISHIMA Kosuke* Earth-Life Science Institutes (ELSI), National University Corporation
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Exploration of the structure-function space of prebiotic to biological proteins – RENEWAL APP
SAKAI Hiroyuki Science and Engineering for Sustainable Innovation,
Soka University, Tokyo
Unraveling the multi-layer relationship between archaeal symbionts and their viruses
The University of Tokyo
Understanding the neural basis of early language development


Name Affiliation Project Title
KAWATE Toshimitsu Cornell University Hormone delivery in plants: mechanisms and physiological roles of gibberellic acid transporters - RENEWAL APP


Name Affiliation Project Title
FUJISHIMA Kosuke Tokyo Institute of Technology Exploration of the structure/function space of prebiotic to biological proteins
KAWAGUCHI Kyogo RIKEN Creating a symphony from noise: stochastic and coordinated regulation of stem cells in embryogenesis


Name Affiliation Project Title
KITAMURA Takashi* University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Behavior-dependent optimization of the brain’s metrics for space and time
ITO Hiroshi Max Planck Institute for Brain Research


Name Affiliation Project Title
TAKEUCHI Toshihide Osaka University Fully synthetic self-regulated cytoskeleton
ISHIZAKI Akihito* National Institutes of Natural Sciences Regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting: how does protein conformation control photophysics?


Name Affiliation Project Title
MIYAZAKI Ryo* National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Impact of horizontal gene transfer on natural ecosystems


Name Affiliation Project Title
KAWATE Toshimitsu Cornell University Hormone delivery in plants: mechanisms and physiological roles of gibberellic acid transporters


Name Affiliation Project Title
KOMIYAMA  Takaki* University of California, San Diego Optogenetic manipulation and functional characterization of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb
IMAYOSHI  Itaru Kyoto University
KAIDA Daisuke University of Toyama The role of alternative splicing in tissue specific protein interaction networks


Name Affiliation Project Title
SESE Jun* Ochanomizu University Network merging analysis of duplicate genome function in recently hybridized species
WAKAMOTO Yuichi The University of Tokyo Multi-Level Conflicts in Evolutionary Dynamics of Restriction-Modification Systems
ISHII  Masaru* Osaka University Visualization and identification of bone marrow niches by imaging and computational technology
KAMIKOUCHI  Azusa The University of Tokyo From genes to circuits: the evolution of species-specific communication in Drosophila
TAKANO  Junpei* Hokkaido University Molecular dissection of Casparian strip function in nutrient homeostasis in higher plants
SHIMIZU  Kentaro University of Zurich Network merging analysis of duplicate genome function in recently hybridized species


Name Affiliation Project Title
ISHIKAWA  Tomoko Osaka University Characterization of light-dependent rhythmic processes in the marine environment
NARITA Masashi* Cancer Research UK A new stress-induced program of senescence and its multi-dimensional regulation
OHBAYASHI  Tetsuya Tottori University



Name Affiliation Project Title
SAKURAI  Kaori The University of Tokyo Probing the role of lipids in cell division
SATO Masamitsu Waseda University Quantitative study of polarized cell growth in vivo and in silico



Name Affiliation Project Title
SAWAI  Satoshi Japan Science and Technology Agency Information processing in developing cells
TANAKA  Yoshiyuki* Tohoku University Probing the mechanism of the cleavage reaction in catalytic RNAs
KATO  Masato The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
MATSUDA Yoshiyuki Tohoku University


Name Affiliation Project Title
TAKEMOTO  Chie RIKEN Structural study on protein synthesis. Ribosome nascent chain cross talks and cotranslational folding
KAWASAKI  Hiroshi The University of Tokyo Redesigning the architecture of visual cortex: horizontal connections and cortical column layout
HAGIHARA  Masaki Osaka University The biological role of tandem repeats in genomes
SAWAMOTO  Kazunobu* Keio University Fluid flow in developmental biology
NONAKA Shigenori National Institute for Basic Biology


Name Affiliation Project Title
HIRASE  Hajime RIKEN Organization and function of neuronal networks in the sensory cortex
MATSUNAMI Hiroaki* Duke University Medical Center Function of a Specialized Olfactory System in Mammals
KIKKAWA Masahide* University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center Kinesin motors under load applied by nano-springs
TOMISHIGE Michio The University of Tokyo
FUKATA Masaki* National Institute for Longevity Sciences Molecular mechanism for dynamic protein palmitoylation


Name Affiliation Project Title
TANAKA  Tomoyuki University of Dundee Building and Testing Mechanistic Models for Chromosome Segregation

* Principal investigator

最終更新日 令和6年5月15日