国際事業課 日本人受賞者一覧(フェローシップ Postdoctoral Fellowships)
HFSPフェローシップ(Postdoctoral Fellowships)は、キャリアの初期にある研究者が国外において新しい研究分野に移動することで幅広い研究スキルを身につけることを支援しています。
これまで400名以上の日本人研究者が長期フェローシップ(Long-Term Fellowships:LTF)及び学際的フェローシップ(Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships:CDF)を受賞しています。
長期フェローシップ(Long-Term Fellowships:LTF)受賞者一覧
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
CHIBA Kosuke | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, USA | Targeted epigenome editing using induced proximity-based small molecules |
NAGANO Masahiro
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,USA | Dissecting long-range gene regulation of cell differentiation through biophysical approaches |
NAITOU Yuki | TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany | Visualizing specific lipid processing and uncovering molecular mechanisms using gut organoids |
NAKAHASHI Ayuno | Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH, Göttingen, Germany | Closing the neural and behavioural feedback loop of social interactions in freely behaving primates |
NOGUCHI Asako | Columbia University, New York, USA | Memory trace in a neuron: dissecting dendritic mechanisms of learning |
OKAMOTO Hiroyuki | University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, USA | Illuminating orphan GPCR signaling by novel biochemical approaches |
YOSHIDA Mari | Institut Curie, Paris, France | A nucleus-driven paradigm of mechanotransduction and morphogenesis |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
OYA Satoyo | Universty of California, Davis, USA | Uncovering the molecular mechanisms behind chromatin modification-directed mutation bias |
TANAKA Ryosuke | Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany | Behavioral functions and microcircuit mechanisms of heading representation in larval zebrafish |
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, USA | Discovery of new cyclic nucleotide immune receptors in human innate immunity |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HAGIHARA Kenta | Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, USA | Mapping the neuro-modulatory heterogeneity in decision making |
SUZUKI Miyuki | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA | Functional cell atlas of neural crest cell contribution to newt development and regeneration |
UEMATSU Masaaki | Cornell University, Ithaca, USA | Chemical and optogenetic approaches to identify and quantify the membrane sources of autophagosomes |
SATO Sumire
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada | Influence of sleep memory consolidation on spinal neuroplasticity mechanism in humans |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HASEGAWA Tetsuo | Johns Hopkins University - USA | The role of metabolism in regulating pathological osteoclastogenesis in arthritis |
University of Cambridge - UK | Revealing autolytic mechanisms of sieve element differentiation by improved phloem induction system |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
NOBORI Tatsuya | The Salk Institute for Biological Studies - USA | Spatially resolved single cell profiling of plant transcriptome |
SAITO Makoto | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard - USA | Investigating archaeal horizontal gene transfer systems towards universal delivery tools |
TSUBOYAMA Kotaro | Northwestern University - USA | Dissection of the relationship between folding stability and biological lifetime of proteins |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
ANZO Marie | EMBL - GERMANY | Investigating the role of muscles in morphological plasticity of sea anemone Nematostella vectensis |
MASUBUCHI Takeya | UC San Diego - USA | Reconstituting and deciphering the TCR signaling apparatus by DNA nanotechnology |
SUGIYAMA Ryosuke | National University of Singapore - SINGAPORE | Survival strategy of anaerobes in human microbiome using radical enzyme-assisted peptide metabolites |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
NAGASHIMA Kazuki | Stanford University - USA | Integration of multiple diverse microbiota-derived signals by dendritic cells |
SATO Hikaru | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SWEDEN | Inheritance and transduction of environmental information in asexually reproducing plants |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
OHNO Hayao | Sloan Kettering Institute - USA | Developmental strategies to cope with nutritional stress |
NAKAKI Fumio | EMBL - SPAIN | Integrative analysis of the role of mammalian Hox genes in tissue patterning |
NAGASAKA Kota | IMP Vienna - AUSTRIA | Elucidation of the cohesin mediated spatial organization of chromatin structure |
MIYAMOTO Daisuke | University of Wisconsin- USA | In vivo imaging of synaptic plasticity through learning and sleep |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
KARIGO Tomomi | California Institute of Technology - USA | The role of oxytocin and vasopressin in the neural circuit of aggressive behaviors |
OBATA Yuuki | The Francis Crick Institute - UK | Programming of intestinal neural networks by the microbiota-immune system axis |
OKUDA Satohiro | University of Geneva - Switzerland | Molecular mechanism for plant developmental control by CRINKLY-type membrane receptors |
TODA Satoshi | UC San Francisco - USA | Synthetic morphogenesis: exploring multicellular self-organization using engineered cell signaling |
TSUTSUMI Naotaka | Stanford University - USA | Structural visualization of the activating full-length single transmembrane receptor complexes |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
FUKAYA Takashi | Princeton University - USA | Developing live imaging to visualize enhancer-promoter interaction in the early Drosophila embryo |
INABA Masafumi | University of Southern California - USA | Molecular and cellular mechanisms of feather patterning in chick skin |
MCCLOSKEY Asako | The Salk Institute for Biological Studies - USA | Molecular mechanisms underlying long-term maintenance of nuclear pore complexes in aging neurons |
SHIBUYA Hiroki | The Harvard University - Switzerland | Molecular characterization of heritable epigenetics in C. elegans |
TERASAKA Naohiro | ETH Zurich - Switzerland | Site-specific introduction of N6-methyladenosine using engineered snoRNP by directed evolution |
UEHATA Takuya | New York University School of Medicine - USA | Mechanisms for induction and maintenance of follicular helper T cells by commensal bacteria |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HAYANO Motoshi | Harvard Medical School - USA | NAD+ regulates adipocyte function through protein O-GlcNAcylation to maintain energy homeostasis |
KANIE Tomoharu | Stanford University - USA | Identification and characterization of a ciliary-GPCR involved in adipogenesis |
KOJIMA Ryosuke | ETH Zurich - Switzerland | Synthesis of functional cells capable of rapid modulation of biological systems for future therapies |
MIKUNI Takayasu | Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience - USA | Structural and functional dissection of endocytosis in living cells using high-speed AFM |
SAITO Yasuhiro | The University of Health Network - Canada | The study about pathophysiological significance of Lgl polarity protein in breast carcinogenesis |
YAMAGISHI Yuya | The Rockefeller University - USA | Molecular characterization of axon degeneration |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
FUJII Kotaro | Stanford University - USA | Delineating the specialized translational landscape of gene expression during embryonic development |
ITO Daisuke | CInstituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia - Portugal | Core mechanisms in centrosome biogenesis |
IWASAKI Shintaro | University of California - USA | Genome-wide analysis of miRNA-mediated translational activation by ribosome profiling |
KAWAOKA Shinpei | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - USA | Mechanism of context-dependent addiction to the epigenetic regulators in cancer |
SANO Teruyuki | New York University School of Medicine - USA | Identifying the cellular and molecular mechanisms of Th17 differentiation by specific commensal |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HONJOH Sakiko | University of Wisconsin - USA | The price for plasticity: does learning make neurons tired? |
IKUSHIMA Hiroaki | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - USA | Identifying primary events in the acquisition of metastatic potential |
ISHIUCHI Takashi | Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology - France | Epigenetic dynamics during mouse preimplantation development |
KAMIGAKI Tsukasa | University of California, Berkeley - USA | Optogenetic investigation of top-down control circuit for visual information processing |
KITANO Masahiro | University of South California - USA | Longitudinal in vivo live imaging of the generation of tumor cell heterogeneity |
MATSUOKA Ryota | Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research - Germany | Neurovascular interplay during the development and regeneration of neuronal and vascular networks |
MIYANISHI Masanori | Stanford University - USA | Lineage hierarchy within female reproductive organs and its relationship to cancer phenotypes |
NAKAMURA Masayoshi | Carnegie Institution for Science - USA | Function and relationship of microtubule nucleation and severing during plant mitosis |
NOZAWA Kayo | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Germany | Crystal structure analysis of the RNA polymerase II-Iwr1 complex |
SUGIOKA Kenji | University of Oregon - USA | Spatio-temporal analysis of ubiquitin ligase assembly and substrate recognition in C. elegans |
TAGAMI Shunsuke | MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - UK | New protein engineering approaches to solve the crystal structures of difficult targets |
TAKEUCHI Daigo | Massachusetts Institute of Technology - USA | Optogenetic dissection of the role of dopamine in the executive functions of the prefrontal cortex |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
AKIYOSHI Bungo | University of Oxford - UK | Elucidate the segregation mechanism of large and small chromosomes in Trypanosoma brucei |
HIRAKAWA Yuki | Monash University - Australia | The role of peptide signaling in the evolution of vascular cambia |
KIHARA Yasuyuki | University of California, San Diego - USA | Systems biology approach to the molecular basis of lipid metabolism in inflammatory responses |
KIYOMITSU Tomomi | Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research - USA | Molecular dissection of the dynein regulatory network at the mitotic cell cortex |
MATSUI Toshiyuki | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard - USA | A systems approach to deciphering carcinogenesis in human B cells |
SADA Aiko | Cornell University - USA | Epigenetic regulation of stem cell fate acquisition in mouse skin |
YOSHIDA Yamato | Michigan State University - USA | Structural and functional studies of the plastid division machinery in plants |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
KAWAKAMI Takashi | Massachusetts Institute of Technology - USA | Site-specific labeling of quantum dots inside living cells for single-molecule imaging |
KUBO Fumi | University of California, San Francisco - USA | Dissecting neural circuits regulating visually guided orienting behavior in zebrafish |
NAGAI Shigeki | Stanford University - USA | Molecular basis of transcriptional silencing |
NOMA Akiko | University of Massachusetts - USA | The composition of mRNAs in neuronal transport granules |
YAMAGATA Kazuyuki | Children's Hospital Boston - USA | The epigenetic role of TET2 proteins in the development of myeloid leukemia |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HAYASHI Makoto | The Salk Institute for Biological Studies - USA | The role of cohesin in telomere maintenance and dynamics of telomeres in cancer cells |
INOUE Daigo | University of Heidelberg - Germany | Functional analysis of Id proteins in retinal stem cell proliferation and differentiation |
KISE Yoshiaki | VIB - Belgium | Molecular mechanisms of neuronal circuit formation controlled by Dscam |
NAKAMURA Kouichi | Medical Research Council Oxfordshire / University of Oxford - UK | To move or not: generation and control of neuronal network oscillations in the basal ganglia |
ONO Masahiro | University College London - UK | Mathematical modelling of transcriptional events in the helper /regulatory T cell development |
UEMURA Masato | Norwegian University of Science and Technology Medical Technical Research Centr -Norway | Determination of specific memory processes mediated by young new neurons in the adult hippocampus |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
ENDO Motomu | University of California, San Diego - USA | Dissection of EARLY FLOWERING3 (ELF3) function in the Arabidopsis circadian clock |
IMASAKI Tsuyoshi | Indiana University School of Medicine - USA | Structural and functional studies on Mediator, central regulatory complex in gene regulation |
KAMETANI Yoshiko | University of California - USA | Molecular genetics of endothelial cell development |
MIZUMOTO Kota | Stanford University - USA | Identifying a novel signaling pathway inhibiting synaptogenesis in C. elegans |
MIZUNO-YAMASAKI Emi | Yale University - USA | Regulation of Rab GTPase activation along the yeast secretory pathway |
NAKANISHI Kotaro | Kettering Cancer Center - USA | Structural basis for epigenetic readout of methyl-arginine mark and its impact on chromatin function |
OSHIMORI Naoki | The Rockefeller University - USA | Molecular characterization of epidermal homeostasis |
SUZUKI Kazuhiro | University of California - USA | Imaging B-cell competition during antibody affinity maturation |
TSUBOUCHI Tomomi | Imperial College School of Medicine - UK | Deciphering mechanisms of nuclear reprogramming using cell fusion between mouse ES and human B cells |
YAJIMA Mamiko | Brown University - USA | The mechanism of insulator function in embryonic gene expression |
YOSHIDA Hideyuki | Harvard Medical School - USA | The molecular mechanism of AIRE dependent gene transcription |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
IKEUCHI Yoshiho | Harvard Medical School - USA | Control of axonal growth by the Cdh1-APC ubiquitin ligase pathway |
KANAI Ryota | University College London - UK | Revealing neural dynamics in time perception with combined neuroimaging and stimulation techniques |
KANDA Hajime | Yale University Medical School - USA | Analysis of the mechanism of leptin sensitivity in immune cells to control energy balance in vivo |
KIRINO Yohei | University of Pennsylvania - USA | Mammalian piRNAs and their targets |
KITAJIMA Tomoya | European Molecular Biology Laboratory - Germany | Probing the mechanism and dynamics of homologous chromosome biorientation in live mouse oocytes |
KURODA Taruho | Harvard Medical School - USA | Mechanisms of tumorigenesis promoted by tetraploid cells: role of p53 loss and multipolar mitoses |
OSHIKANE Hiroyuki | MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology - UK | Structural studies of the active centre of the spliceosome: Prp8p/Snu114p/Brr2p ternary complex |
TAKANO Junpei | University of Wisconsin-Madison - USA | Post-translational regulation of zinc homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
SOKABE Masaaki | University of California- USA | Structural basis of eukaryotic translation initiation multi-factor complex assembly |
MIYAMICHI Kazunari | Stanford University - USA | Extension of mosaic analysis method MADM to study the logic of neural wiring in mice |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HIGO Takayasu | University of Oxford - UK | Dynamic interactions between the unconscious and overt human behaviors |
ISHII Masaru | NIAID / NIH - USA | Fine tuning of T cell differentiation in the thymus by the regulation of ionic fluxes |
ISHIKAWA Haruto | Stanford University - USA | Direct observation of the protein dynamics in the presence or absence of a disulfide bond |
MATSUSHITA Tomonao | University of California - USA | A chemical genetic study of the Arabidopsis blue light receptor cryptochrome |
MURATANI Masafumi | Cancer Research UK -UK | Characterization of serum-induced gene expression and coactivators for Serum Response Factor |
NAKAGAWA Takashi | L. Guarente Lab.- USA | Analysis of the role of SirT5 in metabolism and aging |
NAKAMURA Takahisa | Harvard School of Public Health - USA | Analysis of genes regulating the commitment of adipocytes and their roles in metabolic diseases |
NISHIMURA Takashi | Austrian Academy of Science - Austria | Molecular mechanism for asymmetric cell division and self-renewal in Drosophila neural stem cells |
SHIMA Yasuyuki | Brandeis University - USA | Analysis of transcriptional networks underlying phenotypic diversity of cortical inhibitory neurons |
SHIMADA Yuko | Yale University School of Medicine - USA | Genetic regulation of the intercellular cytoplasm transport machinery during Drosophila oogenesis |
TAKAHASHI Yuji | University of Maryland - USA | Effects of normal aging on the orbitofrontal-amygdalar system |
TAKEHARA-NISHIUCHI Kaori | The University of Arizona - USA | The necessity of memory trace reactivation for establishment of neocortical permanent memory network |
WATANABE Kiichi | California Institute of Technology - USA | The role of octopamine in aggressive and mating behaviors |
YOKOBAYASHI Shihori | Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research - Switzerland | Role of Polycomb group proteins in epigenetic reprogramming during mammalian development |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
AONO Nobuki | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - USA | Mitotic and non-mitotic functions of two condensin complexes in vertebrate cells |
FUKAMACHI Shoji | University of Konstanz - Germany | Molecular genetic analysis of body-colour and mate-choice diversity in cichlid fishes |
HANAYAMA Rikinari | Harvard Medical School - USA | Role of myocyte enhancer factor 2 in synapse development |
KONISHI Akimitsu | The Rockefeller University - USA | Defining the DNA damage response at chromosome ends |
MIYAMOTO Tetsuya | Duke University Medical Center - USA | Functional characterization of pheromone receptors |
NAKANO Hiroaki | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - SWEDEN | Studies on the life cycle and evolution of Xenoturbella bocki |
NIWA Ryusuke | Yale University - USA | Molecular basis of developmental timing: functional analysis of the heterochronic gene hbl-1 |
OSE Toyoyuki | Oxford University - UK | Structural studies on scaffold proteins -probing the assembly of macromolecular protein complexes |
SHIBUE Tsukasa | Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research - USA | Enhancement of tumor invasiveness by the ectopic, inducible expression of Twist |
SOYANO Takashi | The Rockefeller University - USA | Post-transcriptional-regulation of F-box genes by microRNAs and its roles in Arabidopsis development |
TANABE Seiji | National Institutes of Health -USA | Modeling and testing binocular disparity selectivity of neurons in extrastriate visual areas |
TANAKA Hirokazu | University of Tuebingen - GERMANY | Identification of cell-polarity determinants in plants |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
HIGURASHI Takashi | University of Wisconsin - USA | The role of molecular chaperone Hsp70 in maintenance of the yeast prion [RNQ+] |
IGAKI Tatsushi | Yale University School of Medicine - USA | Dissecting molecular mechanisms of metastasis through a Drosophila genetic screen |
INOBE Tomonao | Northwestern University - USA | Molecular mechanism of in vivo protein unfolding |
ISHIKAWA Taro | University College London - UK | Cellular and network dynamics of the cerebellar cortex in vivo |
NISHINO Tatsuya | Research Institute of Molecular Pathology - AUSTRIA | Molecular analyses of cohesin assembly and cohesion establishment |
OHASHI Yohei | MRC - UK | Characterization of the Arf-like GTPase Arl8, a novel GTPase of lysosomes and endosomes |
TAKIZAWA Takumi | NCI / NIH - USA | Nuclear architecture and genome organization in neural cell differentiation |
TOMARI Yukihide | University of Massachusetts Medical School - USA | Biochemical dissection of the assembly pathway of the RNAi enzyme complex |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
FUKATA Yuko | University of California - USA | The role of stargazin in synaptic development |
GOSHIMA Gohta | University of California - USA | Functional analysis of the kinesin superfamily and motor-cargo interactions in Drosophila cells |
HAYASHI Mitsuko | Yale University - USA | Role of aminophospholipid translocating ATPase (ATPase II) in synaptic transmission |
HIRATA Hiromi | University of Michigan - USA | Genetic analysis of the development and function of neural circuits regulating zebrafish behavior |
ISHIKAWA Masaki | The Rockefeller University -USA | The function of the Arabidopsis SPA1 gene in Phytochrome A signal transduction |
KOBAYASHI Yasushi | Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology - Germany | Understanding the molecular basis of naturally occurring genetic variation |
MUNEKAGE Yuri | CEA Cadarache - France | Poising of ATP/NADPH ratio to energize C4 photosynthesis; contribution of PSI-cyclic electron flow |
SAKAI Hiroe | John Innes Centre - UK | The role of U-box protein mediated ubiquitin-related degradation in gibberellin signaling in Arabidopsis |
SANEYOSHI Takeo | Oregon Health Sciences University - USA | Characterization of multi-protein complexes regulating the CaM-kinase signaling cascade in brain |
TAKEUCHI Jun | The Hospital for Sick Children | Canada Molecular mechanisms of chamber and septum formation during cardiovascular development |
TANIGAKI Kenji | Max-Planck Institute for Medical Research - Germany | Functional study of cortical circuitry with genetically-encoded neural activity probes in vivo |
YAMAGUCHI Satoko | New York University - USA | Characterization of color recognition in Drosophila melanogaster |
Name | Host Univ-Inst | Project Title |
EGAWA Takeshi | Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine -USA | Study of the CD4 locus as a model for gene silencing in mammalian development |
ESASHI Fumiko | Imperial Cancer Research Fund - UK | Analysis of the role of BRCA2 in genome stability |
FUJII Yoshifumi | Yale University - USA | Crystallization and structural studies of eukaryotic mitochondrial ribosome |
HIROTA Nami | University of Cambridge - UK | Amyloid fibril formation of myoglobin |
HOSHI Eiji | University of Pittsburgh - USA | Motor skill acquisition and retention from a multi-site perspective |
IIJIMA Kanae | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory - USA | Role of dendritic mRNA targeting during memory formation in Drosophila - analysis with Staufen |
ISHII Tomohiro | The Rockefeller University - USA | Anatomical and functional studies of pheromone detection in mice |
KATOH Akira | Stanford University - USA | In vivo electrophysiological analysis of motor learning in mutant mice |
KOMORI Hirofumi | Stanford University - USA | Structural analysis of mediator of DNA transcriptional regulation |
KURODA Kumi | McGill University - Canada | Developmental plasticity of the neuroendocrine system depending on the maternal behaviors in rat |
MATSUNAGA Eiji | Universite Paris 6 - France | In vivo analysis of the diversity and specificity of Slit functions in vertebrate axon guidance |
MATSUOKA Toshiyuki | University College London - UK | Molecular anatomy of the mammalian accessory olfactory bulb |
OKAJIMA Tetsuya | Rutgers University - USA | Role of O-linked fucosylation in Notch signaling |
OKUDA Takashi | University College London - UK | Molecular mechanisms of activity-dependent synapse remodeling |
TAKEUCHI Osamu | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute - USA | Functional analysis of the anti-apoptotic gene Mcl-1 |
TANIMOTO Hiromu | Universitat Wurzburg - Germany | Molecular and cellular basis of operant behavior and operant learning of Drosophila melanogaster in the heat box |
YOSHIDA Yutaka | Columbia University - USA | Molecular specification of neuronal connectivity in the developing spinal cord |
学際的フェローシップ(Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships:CDF)受賞者一覧
Name | Affiliation | Project Title |
HIDAKA Takuya | Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria | Molecular mechanism of sister chromatid resolution in replicated human chromosomes |
Name | Affiliation | Project Title |
HONTANI Yusaku | Cornell University - USA | Deep-tissue voltage imaging in the intact mouse brain |
OHMURA Takuya | MPI for Terrestrial Microbiology - GERMANY | Identifying cell-cell interaction principles that shape spatiotemporal biofilm development |
Name | Affiliation | Project Title |
SUZUKI Mototaka | Columbia University - USA | Interactions between prefrontal and parietal cortex for the cognitive control of behavior |
Name | Affiliation | Project Title |
TAKAHASHI Koichi | The Molecular Sciences Institute - USA | Protein localization and crowding in yeast pheromone signaling: in vivo measurements and computation |
最終更新日 令和6年5月15日